The newly crowned Miss England is Kenyan


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by Christine Olubayi September 1, 2021

The Miss England beauty boasts of Kenyan roots.

Rehema Muthamia is the newly crowned Miss England 2021. Rehema scooped the prize in Coventry and will represent England in the Miss World pageant this coming December. That makes TWO Kenyan ladies strutting their stuff at the global competition. The other is our very own Miss Kenya, Sharon Obara.

Although she resides in England, her roots are Kenyan and she grew up here before relocating to England. The 25 year old also won the ‘Miss All African Colours’ category. The Miss All African Colours category was created to increase the representation of minority ethnic women in the competition and that’s what gave her the push to land the Miss England final.

In her acceptance speech, Rehema told the public that her family in Kenya is proud of her pageant achievement. She also revealed that she has survived an abusive relationship which is what motivated her to enter the competition. She hopes to use her high-profile role to help other women who are trapped in abusive relationships.


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