The Results are in!!!!!


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The third and final segment of Miss World Top Model concluded on a high note!

Under the magnificent vocals of Latin singing powerhouse - Fernando Allende - The judges made their third and final decision.

In order of placement the top 5 are:

5th - South Africa
4th - Korea
3rd - Senegal
2nd - China PR

And the winner of Miss World Top Model and the first contestant to secure her spot in the Miss World 2018 final is...France!!!

The ever graceful, Miss World 2016 and current Beauty with a Purpose Ambassador - Stephanie del Valle - presented the winner with the Miss World 2018 Top Model award.

Doing it the Miss World way, the fellow contestants congratulated Miss France; then they all danced to music by the house DJ.

The journey to the prestigious Miss World 2018 crown continues and we are sure to keep you informed.

Stay tuned.


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