The women competing to be named Miss Wales 2023


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The winner will go on to compete for the title of Miss World

By Bethany Gavaghan 05:00, 8 APR 2023

The full list of young women from across Wales in line for the Miss Wales 2023 crown has now been revealed. (Image: Danielle Latimer)

The finalists for Miss Wales 2023 have been announced, spotlighting all of the women in line for this year’s crown, and there is a huge range of characters in the mix. The winner of Miss Wales is chosen at the three day grand final which involves an empowerment day, a charity ball and a catwalk show at The Riverfront in Newport from Saturday, April 15, and the winner will also go on to represent Wales at Miss World in May.

The finalists have now told WalesOnline exactly why they are running, and what they are hoping to achieve through taking part in the competition. These are their stories:

Millie-Mae Adams

Millie-Mae Adams, 20, from Cardiff is a medical student and a Yale Young Global Scholar. Around a year ago, she was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata – one of her lowest days to date. But she is hoping that her experience can inspire other people, and wants to educate, advocate and raise awareness of Alopecia to show that there is beauty in diversity. She said: “Opening up about my alopecia experience has enabled me to show women and girls that it’s okay to be different. I’m proud of all that I have achieved as a finalist raising more than £1500 for Beauty with a Purpose, founding Exeter StreetDoctors, donating a wig to an alopecia sufferer, becoming an In2Medschool mentor. This is special to me as a woman in STEM, and a Siarad mentor to aid the Welsh Government in reaching one million Welsh speakers by 2050.”

(Image: Danielle Latimer)
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Maisie Caddy

Maisie Caddy, 17, Pontypridd is currently studying English and sociology A-levels at Garth Olwg in Church Village and once she has gained my qualifications, wants to study early childhood education at Cardiff University. As well as being in full time education, where she supports younger children during her free lessons and runs an after school dance club, she works part time at a local fast food restaurant. Maisie said: "If I was to become Miss Wales 2023, I would use my crown to continue work with young girls and women who are or have suffered with abusive relationships. As a young child, I myself had to face these issues with my mother who had to live with the harsh reality that we were left with nothing as she was brave enough to leave this horrible experience. My aim is to share awareness to women to use their voice, and to be able to offer support to individuals who have faced these issues and guide them into an improved lifestyle where they can enjoy life again."

(Image: Danielle Latimer)
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Morgan Chichester

Morgan Chichester, 20, Cardiff has strong A levels in English, sociology and health and social care which has helped her to reach her goal of becoming a law student. She is also a qualified make-up artist and started her own business in September 2021. Having three younger sisters, she has always been determined to set a good example of what young women in Wales can achieve. Morgan said: "I was raised by a beautiful family and I am the eldest of six younger siblings. I have strong A-levels in English, sociology and health and social care which has helped me to reach my goal of becoming a law student. I am also a qualified make-up artist and I started my own business in September 2021. Having three younger sisters, I have always been determined to set a good example of what young women in Wales can achieve. Having the title of a makeup artist allows me to help individuals feel positive about themselves, which brings me great pleasure. Inspiring young women has always been a priority of mine and I do this by creating positive content on my social media platforms."

(Image: Danielle Latimer)
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Ellie Coutts

Ellie Coutts, 22, Cardiff works as a nursing assistant in Velindre Hospital where she cares for patients who are going through chemotherapy treatment. She is also studying adult nursing in University of South Wales, volunteers for City Hospice in her spare time, helping with their events and raising awareness of those living with terminal illnesses. She said: "I am grateful to be a finalist for the second year in a row and I have worked hard to be here. I am thankful for all of the opportunities that being a finalist has given me so far. Winning would give me a fantastic opportunity to campaign for the nursing profession as Miss Wales. I want to be a good representative for other young nurses like myself, and continue to tackle the issues currently surrounding the workforce. I am extremely passionate about this cause and I would carry on with the same dedication if I was to be crowned Miss Wales."

(Image: Danielle Latimer)
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Lydia Evans

Lydia Evans, 19, Caerleon aims to be a role model as a redhead and stand up for those who are bullied because of the colour of their hair, by using my platform to ignite confidence and inspiration. Currently, she is an apprentice at a stables, which has allowed her to gain life experience and get to grips with the equine industry. She has a passion for animals and the outdoors, and enjoys nothing more than spending a rainy day in her pink wellies up at the yard with her horse. Lydia said: "Being the first red head Miss Wales would mean so much, I was ridiculed from a young age regarding my hair and I've reached so many people who experience the same problems, I would love to continue confidence building to a larger audience. I’ve been working with riding schools to arrange an ‘own your own pony day’ for disadvantaged children who have not been as fortunate as I believe everyone deserves the opportunity to make the unbreakable connection that horses can give us. Fighting for animal rights is also a main priority of mine that I have big plans for."

(Image: Danielle Latimer)
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Megan Evans
Megan Evans, 24, Anglesey
Megan Evans, 24, Anglesey works in a further education college with young people from 16-19 years old helping with their mental health; being a shoulder to cry on; and giving them the tools and knowledge to be able to live life independently and safely. As part of my role, she is an advocate for LGBT+ rights and visibility by running Pride club/events, advocating for the use of chosen pronouns, and being a port-of-call for any LGBT+-related questions and aims to be the person that she needed when she was their age. Megan said: "As this is my first ever pageant, I’m really pleased that my assumptions of pageantry have been disproven: Miss Wales is about personality, ambition and general morals perhaps more than beauty. Becoming the next Miss Wales would provide such an incredible platform for education. I am a huge advocate for the discussion and prevention of mental health issues, and hope that having an active platform to support that message could be beneficial for so many people...The generations before me have moved mountains for younger generations to live freely and safely, I would like to do my part to assist with the progress we still strive for. I hope to be able to make valuable contributions to society not just in Wales, but as far as I possibly can."

(Image: Danielle Latimer)
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Grace Gavigan

Grace Gavigan, 16, Port Talbot is one of the youngest contestants this year and is studying her A-Levels in English literature, French, history and law. During her spare time, she loves walking and exploring the beautiful Welsh coastline and amazing mountainous terrain. She has been a proud volunteer for the Wildlife Trust for several years and have been fortunate to witness some of Wales’ greatest wildlife-phenomenon's which has increased my passion to protect our natural world. She said: "I’m so proud of everything that I’ve achieved during the past 9 months, especially organising a charity fashion show with my sponsor; raising £2,060 for ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ and completing the Wildlife Trusts’ #BigWildWalkChallenge to highlight our wonderful Welsh wildlife and wild places. I would love to show the WILDside of Miss Wales! I hope to inspire people to connect with nature on their doorstep and show how the smallest individual actions can make a big difference in helping our natural world. I would also collaborate with Visit Wales and nature organisations to promote Wales as a sustainable wildlife destination with ‘Wow’ experiences. It would be an absolute honour to be crowned Miss Wales and such a privilege to represent and promote Wales on a local, national and global level throughout my reign and at Miss World. I can’t wait for the final."

(Image: Danielle Latimer)
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Eleri Gibbon

Eleri Gibbon, 21, Cardiff's Welsh heritage has always been something close to her heart coming from a family that has won many titles for Wales. She is studying tourism management at Cardiff Metropolitan University which has been a challenging journey for her due to suffering from mental health issues and having learning difficulties. At many stages in my studies she wanted to give up but read lots of quotes and listened to podcasts to keep a positive mind-set. She has previously worked with the mental health charity Family First, and is now working closely with Velindre as this is a charity that many members of her family also help raise money for. Eleri said: "I feel that being a Miss Wales finalist has brought out a new person in me. A person younger me would look up to - a person that sees right and wrong in society and wants to make change. To win the title of Miss Wales means that I get to have my voice heard, which as a women I feel that we don’t get heard enough. With the title in my hand I will use it to empower women to believe we are worthy much more than sitting still and looking pretty. We need to fight for equality and fairness in society."

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Helena Hawke

Helena Hawke, 18, Caerlon is passionate about humanitarian studies, which inspired her to study A-level sociology and psychology. In the future, she would love to explore a career in the military as she has always been surrounded by military personnel; whether that be her father, mother, uncle or grandfather. She started to work towards her goal of being part of the forces by joining the Royal Air Force Air Cadets when she was 14. Since then, Helena has been volunteering there twice a week and gaining rank along the way and is hoping to ignite passion for the field in other women and girls. She said: "Empowered women are multifaceted - for too long society has tried to tell us that we can only be one thing. We can be intelligent but then we shouldn’t embrace beauty. As an empowered young female I embrace every part of who I am, a Miss Wales finalist as well as a member of the Air Cadets, two worlds that couldn’t be further apart, but two worlds I am very much a part of. That is why I want to show the younger generation that they can be anything they want to be, even if those things are seemingly opposite."

(Image: Danielle Latimer)


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