There's a Miss Saudi Arabia ... and a lot of people are surprised


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Meet Malak Youssef.

2017-12-15 10:39

Malak Youssef, a Saudi woman who's currently taking part in the "Miss Arab World" beauty pageant, is causing quite the stir on social media.


Because Saudi Arabia doesn't host an official national beauty pageant and Saudis have never heard of Youssef before.

According to Bawabat Al Ahram, the 24-year old was nominated by a Saudi civil society organization and is now taking part in the competition which annually takes place in Egypt.

Youssef is the 2nd Saudi woman to participate in "Miss Arab World."

Her run at the pageant comes eight years after Saudi Moda Nour, competed at the same beauty contest and also won its title in 2009.

Speaking to the news site, Youssef said she was proud to represent her country in the competition.

The final winner of this year's "Miss Arab World," pageant is set to be announced late on Saturday.

Miss Saudi Arabia is going viral...

ملكة جمال السعودية: الحب خطوة مؤجلة ؟؟

9:30 PM - Dec 14, 2017
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People are quite confused... to say the least
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ملاك يوسف "ملكة جمال السعوديه لسنة ٢٠١٧ "

8:29 PM - Dec 14, 2017
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"When, how and where did they crown her Miss Saudi Arabia?!!"
14 Dec

ملكة جمال السعوديه ؟! ملاك يوسف مادري ملكه على طبقات كرشها ولا على ضروسها ؟ اش الزبايل ذي اللي جالسه تسيء لنا برا


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