These beauty queens are taking their glam shoots to the next level


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by John Legaspi Published June 2, 2022, 8:56 AM

A trip to the palengke but make it fashion!

It is an understatement to say that Filipinos are big pageant fans. We love pageants—the spirit of the coronation night, ladies in beautiful dresses, and all that jazz. And beauty candidates know how to build that energy leading to the pageant’s finale. One way to do it is through glam shoots.

In local slang, these glam shoots are also called “pasabog shoots” where they don show-stopping fashions as they pose in a setup fit for a cover of international style glossies. But in Miss World Philippines 2022’s case, its candidates took their glam shoot not just in an exotic location or a well-designed studio but to the streets and beyond, making a true pasabog effect.

Here are some of our favorites:

Candidate no. 3 Angel Latorre

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 5 Shaina Manalo Ico

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 6 Samantha Gabronino

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 9 Kayla Tiongson

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 13 Maria Gigante

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 16 Carla Manuel

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 17 Ingrid Santamaria

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 21 Paula Ortega

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 22 Cassandra Chan

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 24 Alison Black

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 27 Blessie Villablanca

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 28 Mauie Long

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 31 Natazha Bautista

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 35 Patricia McGee

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram
Candidate no. 36 Lady Santos

Photo from Miss World Philippines 2022/Instagram

The coronation night of Miss World Philippines 2022 is happening on June 5, 7 p.m., at the SM MOA Arena, where Miss World Philippines 2021 Tracy Maureen Perez, Miss Supranational 2021 Dindi Pajares, Reina Hispanoamericana 2021 Emmanuelle Vera, and Miss Eco International 2022 Kathleen Paton will crown their successors.


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