Things that will carry Miss Cayman Islands Universe far in Israel


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Nov 16, 2001

Georgina Kerford is the reigning Miss Cayman Islands Universe. This, of course, is not the upper limit of her aspirations as she is scheduled to compete for the overall title of Miss Universe in Israel in December 2021.

In order to understand what the overall title of Miss Universe means to Kerford, as well as what she has been doing to prepare for Israel, Loop Cayman recently caught up with Kerford. Some of the questions asked by Loop Cayman and Kerford's responses are set out below.

Loop Cayman: What three things motivated you to enter the Miss Cayman Islands Universe pageant?

Kerford: Three things that motivate me to enter Miss Cayman Islands Universe are empowering the youth, representing my islands, and the scholarship that allows me to go overseas and continue my education.

Loop Cayman: What do you think you will study with the scholarship funds awarded with your title?

Kerford: I plan to study education and psychology but I am also interested in social work.

Loop Cayman: What are your career goals?

Kerford: My career goals are to get my bachelor’s degree in Education and to become a teacher or a therapist. As well I would like to open my own dance school and teach students who aren’t able to afford dance classes.

Loop Cayman: How have your day-to-day activities changed from being a candidate to being Miss Cayman Islands Universe?

Kerford: Being Miss Universe Cayman Islands my days right now change all the time it is more fast [paced] than it was being a candidate. It is more focused on myself and what I can do to be better and help the Cayman Islands community.

Loop Cayman: Describe the training that you are undertaking to prepare for the pageant in Israel?

Kerford: There is so much training going on preparing me for Israel. I have local and international trainers. I have been doing runway, social media, public speaking, physical training and so much more. There is so much behind the scenes that people don’t see and I am thankful for all the people who are helping me with my journey.

Loop Cayman: Have you received a course in cultural awareness of Israel?

Kerford: Yes I have. My trainer for public speaking went into depth about Israel and their culture.

Loop Cayman: How does your family feel about you participating in Miss Universe in Israel?

Kerford: My family is very excited and is so proud of me. They want me to be safe and have fun while making great memories in Israel.

Loop Cayman: What will you wear as your national costume on stage at Miss Universe in Israel?

Kerford: I would like to keep that a surprise until the night of. All I can say is I am very excited and it will be very colorful.

Loop Cayman: Would you enter another pageant after Miss Cayman Islands Universe?

Kerford: I honestly don’t know. We will see what the future holds.

An unpredictable future, however, has not discouraged Kerford. In fact, what she values for herself and for others will undoubtedly take her far- much further than the Miss Universe crown.

When asked more about this, Kerford said:

One of my traits is my respectfulness. With this character attribute I treat myself and others with courtesy, kindness, deference, dignity, and civility. I offer basic respect as a sign of your value for the worth of all people and your ability to accept the inherent flaws we all possess.

To Kerford, such dignity and respect is not in the shape of the crown she carries or what people think about it. According to Kerford, a “title is just something you possess.”

Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them.

She emphasized.

Notwithstanding her positive views and mature approach, Kerford shared that the road to the Miss Cayman Islands Universe crown was met with some discouragement. She said that “I did have people to try to discourage me because of my age but that just proves it has nothing to do with age, and to anyone to wants to do something you are going to have people trying to discourage you but you have to follow your heart.”

Kerford is probably right too. This is because, while age is often used as a barometer in certain circumstances, each person’s life experience is different. In fact, life experiences can shift someone’s position from being relatively unprepared to making confident, competent and thoughtful decisions.

The outcome of the Miss Universe competition in Israel will therefore not be shaped by what people say about Kerford, but by her own determination and how well she delivers at the competition after putting in all of the hard work to get there.


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