Three Rivers Festival queens win state titles


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July 14, 2021

Brylee Knotts, left, is the 2021 Miss West Virginia Teen USA, and Alexis Bland, is the 2021 Miss West Virginia USA. SUBMITTED PHOTO

BUCKHANNON — Two women who were crowned royalty at the recent WV Three Rivers Festival were crowned on the state level last weekend. Alexis Bland, 2021 WV Three Rivers Festival Queen, was crowned 2021 Miss West Virginia USA during the two-day pageant on the campus of West Virginia Wesleyan College.

Bland, who is 22, and from Parkersburg, previously served as the 2017 WV Three Rivers Festival Teen queen. Bland, who works as a real estate agent, has a degree in business administration from West Virginia University and owns “Twisted Couture,” a women’s clothing boutique. She said that if she can accomplish one thing through pageants it’s to empower young women to be ambitious, educated and be confident.

Brylee Knotts, a 2021 graduate of Grafton High, who was crowned 2020 WV Three Rivers Festival Teen queen, was crowned 2021 Miss West Virginia Teen USA. Knotts plans to study forensic science at Fairmont State University and compete on the acrobatics and tumbling team. She said she wants to use the Miss WV Teen USA platform to encourage and empower young women, and also advocate about teen mental health.

The 2021 pageant was held July 9 through 11 at the Thomas Law Center for the Performing Arts.


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