Three Sisters Compete in Miss TN USA This October


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By September 16, 2019 2:30 pm

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (CLARKSVILLENOW) – Sibling rivalry will take center stage in Clarksville October 11-12 as three sisters compete for the Miss Tennessee USA title. This is the first time three sisters have competed for the state title.

Arriell, 26, Wendy, 23, and Taylor, 21, Gipson share a long list of accolades relating to the pageant industry, including modeling and acting experience.

The sisters are excited about the opportunity to not only engage in friendly competition but also to support one another in an ‘iron sharpens iron’ mentality.

The Gipson sisters chose to compete in The Miss Universe Organization for the values the organization upholds. According to the Miss Universe website, the organization is an inclusive global operation that celebrates women of all cultures and backgrounds and empowers them to realize their goals through experiences that build self- confidence and create opportunities for success.

For over a decade the Miss Tennessee USA organization has selected Clarksville as their host city. The event draws hundreds to the campus of Austin Peay State University to compete at the George and Sharon Mabry Concert Hall inside the Music Mass Communication building. More information on the event can be found here.


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