Thrilled beyond belief


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Article by Barbados Today Published on September 12, 2019

For 20-year-old Shanel Ifill, being crowned Miss Universe Barbados 2019 was simply a dream come true.

“I’m still trying to process it, because it is still sinking in. Obviously, it’s a dream come true. No one could have told me five years ago that this would be me today, but to think that I have joined a legacy of 16 other Miss Universe Barbados winners who have held this honour, and later be one of less than 7, 000 worldwide ever to have walked on a Miss Universe stage, is pretty surreal. Very few things in my life will ever match this feat. I absolutely cannot wait to do this organisation, the sponsors, and my country proud,” she said.

The second year law student at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill campus, tried to recap the night’s events and the moment. But she admits she is still very much in disbelief.

“I absolutely wish I could describe the moment, but it is still a slow moving blur. All I remember is Gaynelle saying “Beviny”, and then calling my name, and then the room just stopped. I could not process what was happening.

“The next thing, I was being sashed, crowned and being told “Go!”, and nudged forward to take my first walk as queen. It was then that I said “Oh my gosh! I’m Miss Universe Barbados!” And I just kept screaming and waving and crying and air kissing everyone in the room. It was crazy!”

The avid volunteer at the Nightingale Children’s Home and the occasional mathematics and grammar tutor said she is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support being shown to her.

“I literally get tons of congratulatory messages all day, with people calling me ‘Queen’, and I’m thinking ‘Who? Me?’ It gets even crazier when I’m just in the supermarket or the gas station and people come up to me and call me by name, and I think ‘How do you know my name?’ and then I remember, ‘Oh right I’m Miss Universe Barbados’. This is going to take a lot of getting used to, but people have been amazing and really awesome about it.”

Shanel said she entered the pageant motivated by the thought of possibly being able to represent the country globally. She admits she was being gently nudged by family and friends who encouraged her.

The former student of St. Helena’s in England, and Christ Church Foundation School and Queen’s College in Barbados said one of the most valuable lessons the pageant journey has taught her is time management.

“Time management was one of the key things I had to learn. I am a second year law student, a model, an intern at a law firm, and was attending pageant training 30 hours a week. That takes a ton of discipline! But having the support of lecturers, my boss and my Crown Events trainers made the process more manageable. It also taught me that I am capable of doing more than I ever thought possible.”

What the crowd at the Hilton Barbados saw on Saturday night was days and nights of hard work and serious preparation. The aim, for Shanel, was to give her best.

“Well, physically I tried to get to Surfside gym, and anyone who knows me knows I am not the athletic type, so working out for me could be a bit of a nightmare! I felt so badly for my trainer most days, but like the queens before me, I will get better.

“To keep my mind sharp, school actually helped me a lot, because I was mentally stimulated. But also talking to the former queens about the things I should be focusing on to get better prepared, and even the things to block out so they don’t rob me of my concentration helped. Their experiences continue to be invaluable to me, and I am so grateful to them.”

Shanel’s advice to those aspiring to compete in a pageant is very simple.

“Give yourself the chance to grow by taking this journey. I think that even if I didn’t come away with the crown, just knowing that I walked this road and came out more aware of who I am as a person, still very much quirky Shanel, but more rounded, with a polish to her edges, would have all been worth it.”

The queen also gave high praises to the organisers of the event and the entire Miss Universe Barbados production team.

“There is literally everything to gain through this process. It prepares you for life and opens up a confidence you never knew you had. This Crown Events team of Brian and Natasha will have your back like no other.

“Our trainers Gaynelle Marshall, Sharon Sargeant, Michellan Bascombe and all the guest trainers will change your entire outlook on life, and you will ever be the better for it. In two words: Do it!”

Apart from pageantry, Shanel also feels very passionate about justice being served and this all makes great sense since she is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Law.

“Seeing those people suffering from injustices getting the justice they deserve is what matters most to me. This has been the driving force behind my degree and career choice in Human Rights Law.”

And once her academic journey has ended she will move on to the next exciting chapter in her life. “I am really looking forward to completing my law degree so I can focus on Human Rights Law. I want to be a champion for the voiceless, so they know they have rights, and can access the things they need to make a better life for themselves. I have always been motivated by my mother’s kindness and care for others, and I want to be able to provide that for people on a much larger scale.”

But what else does the newly crowned queen enjoy doing? “I love reading Caribbean literature of all types, with my favourite writer being Olive Senior. I have read Gardening in the Tropics more times than I can count. I would love to just spend one day in her head to see how she brings her words and imagery to life. That would be the most amazing day for me.” (IMC)

Pure pomp & pageantry

Article byBarbados Today Published on September 12, 2019

The Miss Universe Barbados 2019 pageant was awesome! The entire production was flawless, swift and highly professional.

At 10:33 p.m. on Saturday night at the Hilton Barbados, a beaming Shanel Ifill was crowned Miss Universe Barbados 2019. The 20-year-old University of the West Indies student won the hearts of both the judges and the crowd to beat a field of eight other delegates.

Shanel was impressive throughout the night both in her swimwear and her beautifully designed and fitted evening gown.

Her smarts came to the fore as she answered both questions posed to her on the big night. The deciding question asked to the top three contestants was: “What current global situation would you lend your voice to as Miss Universe and why?”

Shanel’s response: “There is so much going on in the world right now but I would definitely have to lend my voice to the fires that are happening in the Amazon. Some 26, 000 fires rage on in the Amazon and that is literally 20 per cent of the world’s oxygen system not only decimating the forest itself but there are tribes that live within the forest that has been completely decimated. They are like gone. They can’t be found; it caused genocide on some of the tribes. So I feel as though, for me, that would be where my purpose would lie…”

The crowd erupted with cheers and screams of approval both during and by the time she had ended.

She graced the stage with her presence for the announcement of the winner as the top three contestants stood nervously awaiting the final result. Prior to pageant night, all nine delegates would have been interviewed one on one and those marks would have contributed to the final score.

First, runner-up went to Beviny Payne who well-deserved to be in the top three. She looked splendid in her green evening gown as well. Payne is the perfect choice to perform the duties of queen should Ifill be unable to do so.

The second runner-up was Hilary Williams who also won the People’s Choice Award. That award was well justified as the crowd clearly loved her.

The Top 3 were chosen from a field of a Top 5 which was named earlier in the night after a question-and-answer segment. The other two contestants in the Top 5 were: Alexandra Ortiz and Jeunessa Banfield.

Miss Photogenic went to Kristen Asha while Jeunessa Banfield copped Miss Congeniality.

The pageant production was nothing short of excellent. There was full use of multi-media throughout the night. Presenter for the night Media Specialist Gaynelle Marshall did a fabulous job keeping things flowing.

The Director of Media Relations and PR made comments and smart remarks that were clearly designed to keep the contestants calm and focused.

The pageant was held before a packed audience that included Minister of Education, Technological and Vocational Training Santia Bradshaw and other dignitaries.

All on the Miss Universe Barbados team, led by National Director Brian Green, should take a bow for what could only be described as a top-notch, world-class show staged on this small rock. (IMC)

More than a pageant

Article by Marlon Madden Published on September 12, 2019

At least one of this year’s Miss Universe contestants is eager to form a lasting partnership with her Barbados competitor.

Insisting that the annual glitzy affair was more than attractive women parading on stage, Miss Universe Jamaica 2019 Iana Tickle Garcia said while she understands she was in a competition, she was very interested in forming lasting friendships with the other contestants.

Congratulating Miss Barbados Universe 2019 Shanel Ifill on her win, Tickle Garcia said she already spoke to her and was looking forward to meeting her face-to-face as they compete for the coveted crown.

“I spoke to Miss Universe Barbados this week. She is absolutely beautiful, and I can’t wait to meet her and the rest of the competitors,” she said.

Insisting that she was seeking to form lasting relationships with the other beauty queens, Tickle Garcia said she considered her Barbados counterpart her “sister”. She said forming ties with Miss Universe Barbados and other contestants will give her an opportunity to have a friendship beyond the competition. “It is a friendship to last for a lifetime. I can hardly wait for it,” she said.

Tickle Garcia, who has been busy promoting her homeland since capturing the title at the end of August, was speaking to Bajan Vibes on the side-lines of the opening of the annual Jamaica Product Exchange 2019 at the Montego Bay Convention Centre on Monday night.

The 19-year-old said the just over one-week journey has been one of learning and connecting with the other contestants and fans, adding that leading up to the August 31 competition, she did not have any expectation of winning. “But if I had any expectations, it would have surpassed it completely,” she quipped.

The Jamaican beauty, who hails from the western parish of St James, won from a pool of 18 contestants. She said she wants people to stop viewing Miss Universe as a competition that focuses on “outer beauty”.

“It is about bringing out the inner beauty, making sure you are well – your appearance and emotion are all in check and we are all good representatives for our country on all levels,” she said.

“I enter it for personal growth and development. It is much more than what people see on the outside. People tend to judge beauty pageants because they only look at the glamorous side of it, but it helps you to become a dedicated person, it helps you to become a passionate person, and it helps you to become an altruistic person. So, it means a lot to me because it brings out a side of you that you never knew. It makes you level up and empower others and do your best to help others,” she explained.

Garcia, who has been accepted to study International Relations and Law at the University of the West Indies (UWI), said so far, she has been training hard to master her interaction, walk and talk as she prepares to capture the coveted Miss Universe 2019 title.

She said the best part of being the 2019 Miss Universe Jamaica so far was her interaction with people. The most challenging part was doing public speaking and overcoming her “fear of public speaking”.

“I am from a small community. I was never able to branch out, and this competition is giving me the ability to do so,” she said.

As at September 10, 69 contestants were confirmed for the Miss Universe competition. A venue has not yet been confirmed.

The 20-year-old Miss Universe Barbados captured her crown last Saturday from a field of nine contestants. She is currently pursuing studies at the UWI. (MM)



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