Thulisa Keyi: 'Everything I had been through has led me to this point'


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2018-11-22 10:42

Johannesburg – Thulisa Keyi’s Miss World head-to-head challenge has finally gone live, giving fans the opportunity to vote for the beauty queen, getting her that much closer to the Miss World crown.

In the challenge Thulisa is seen with Venezeula, Latvia, Wales, Sierra Leone and Finland who all form part of her group. The ladies are asked to present a video presentation, and thereafter have to answer a question given to them by Miss World presenter Frankie Cena.

Once all the videos have been played, the contestants are asked one final question: “What do you think is the biggest thing that separates you from the other contestants?”

“I grew up in the new democratic South Africa, full of opportunities, and now I have the ability to work hard and go after my dreams, and create my own destiny. But that was not the case for my parents, and I understand that not everyone has access to these opportunities, so I don’t take anything for granted. I believe that everything I had been through has led me to this point, it has strengthened my passion to serve, and it has led me to this journey,” Thulisa answered.

Thulisa has performed well in the pageant so far, winning joint first place for her Miss World gown in the Designers of the World portion of the competition, and placing fifth overall in the Miss World Top Model competition.


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