Tipperary Miss Ireland finalist plans to rock the village pub with epic fundraiser



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Dylan White Dylan White  3 Sept 2019

Tipperary Miss Ireland finalist plans to rock the village pub with epic event

Kilfeacle’s Ciara Coman is one of three Miss Ireland 2019 finalists from County Tipperary

A Tipperary Miss Ireland 2019 finalist will host an epic pub fundraiser this Friday (September 6).

Ciara Coman’s fundraiser at Sir Rowlands Pub, Golden, starts at 8pm and is in aid Miss Ireland's chosen charity Variety Ireland, which helps children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs.

“There will be a barbecue, a raffle and music with a DJ on the night,” an excited Ciara tells TipperaryLive.ie.

“I’ve learnt so much about the charity’s work from working closely with it. Variety Ireland is run completely by volunteers with no paid staff or board members. Miss Ireland places a huge emphasis on charity work, and the experience has made me want to get involved in much more fundraising in the future,” she says.

Kilfeacle’s Ciara is one of 33 finalists who will take to The Helix, Dublin, stage for the 72nd Miss Ireland pageant on September 14, with the prize a place at the Miss World 2019 event in London this December.

Commerce student Ciara is looking forward to starting second year at University College Cork this month, admitting that the experience of going the extra mile to land her dream course has benefited her throughout the Miss Ireland campaign. “Being an only child has really stood to me over the last few years," she says.

"I have always been very independent, which helped me a lot when I decided to repeat my Leaving Certificate [at Limerick Tutorial College] two years ago. I wasn’t happy with my results and felt I could’ve done much better. I went back, gave it my absolute best and was delighted with the results. That year taught me how important determination is to achieve your goals. I also learnt that you’re not always going to get a second chance at everything in life, so grab every opportunity while you can,” she adds.



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