Tobago Miss Universe/Trinidad and Tobago aspirants to know fate by end of next week


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COREY CONNELLY July 13, 2022

A Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe aspirant is interviewed by the screening panel at Shaw Park on Saturday. File photo/David Reid

The Tobagonians who auditioned for the Miss Universe/Trinidad and Tobago beauty pageant last weekend will know by the end of next week if they have been selected for the next leg of the competition.

Stephen Jones, executive director of Crowns & Sashes, said the results of the auditions are usually announced a week after the adjudication process.

He added the team has not yet decided on how the results will be released.

“The details of that in terms of how we do it, whether it’s by a press conference, launch event, social media post, I can’t say that just yet because the team has to decide that,” Jones told Newsday.

Trinidad’s auditions are scheduled to take place on Sunday at the Naparima Bowl, San Fernando from 10 am-6 pm.

Twelve young women from the island auditioned for the competition on Saturday at the Shaw Park Cultural Complex.

But Jones said his team also interviewed several young women at a beach on Sunday.

He said the women had heard about the auditions but could not attend because they were either at work or engaged in other activities.

Jones said the committee also got phone calls from three women who expressed a desire to be at the Trinidad auditions.

“So we are expecting a big turnout. We have about 30-something girls registered online for the Trinidad auditions and it is open.”

Reflecting on Saturday’s auditions, Jones said, “The quality of young women, very high calibre. So we remain very committed to journeying with the community in Tobago over time so that we could develop some more programmes even outside of the pageant season.

He suggested life skills workshops and other initiatives aimed at “going into the communities and seeing what are the gaps that we can help to fill.

“But all of the women that we interacted with did have something very positive to offer and contribute, and we were very, very happy about that.”

However, Jones said competitions like the Miss Universe Trinidad and Tobago can be tough.

The women vying to be selected must be between the ages of 18-28, a stipulation of the Miss Universe organisation. They must also be unmarried, without children and exude confidence.

The Miss Universe Trinidad and Tobago beauty pageant is being held after a five-year hiatus, but a date for the competition has not yet been set.

The winner of the competition will represent this country in the Miss Universe pageant later this year.


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