Top 18 finalists picked for Miss Universe Malaysia 2019


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The Top 18 finalists of the Miss Universe Malaysia 2019. Pix courtesy of Miss Universe Malaysia Organisation

By NST - January 11, 2019 @ 10:06pm

KUALA LUMPUR: The Miss Universe Malaysia Organisation (MUMO) today announced the Top 18 finalists of the Miss Universe Malaysia 2019 at the MyEG Auditorium following a series of auditions held in Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching in search of candidates who embody the values and attributes of Miss Universe Malaysia.

MUMO national director Datin Elaine Daly said the 18 young hopefuls from all over Malaysia showed that they possess something special to make the final cut, in a step towards wearing the coveted crown.

“It is an honour to be entrusted with the responsibility of mentoring and guiding these young women, and preparing them for the world stage,” Daly said.

“We are committed to bringing out the best in them by challenging them to discover their personal strengths, and pushing them beyond their comfort zone so that they can achieve more than they ever thought they were capable of.

“Our theme ‘Beauty Beyond You’ speaks of the true spirit of this competition, where young women are given the opportunity to shine and at the same time, champion a cause that she is passionate about.

“She must possess not just outer beauty but also inner beauty in order to stand out from the rest.”

Daly said the competition would be intense but every one of them will receive an invaluable experience that will stay with them for a lifetime.

“This is a life-changing platform for these bright, beautiful young women as it will help open doors to many new opportunities and experiences.”

The 18 finalists are currently undergoing Boot Camp Week where all of them are living together and going through a series of training sessions including makeovers, catwalk training, fitness sessions, makeup workshops, photo shoots, and a number of challenges.

Competition is expected to be stiff, and all girls will need to have strong spirit and mind to get through this gruelling week.

The top18 finalists will be featured in an online show, “The Next Miss Universe Malaysia 2019” consisting of six episodes of their personal profiles to be aired from Feb 2 to 7, followed by 12 episodes of their journey leading to the crowning of Miss Universe Malaysia 2019 on online lifestyle channel, from Friday to Sunday starting Feb 8.

These webisodes will also be available on the Miss MUMO YouTube channel and app.

The grand finale will take place on March 7 at The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

As Miss Universe Malaysia 2019, she will have the opportunity of a lifetime to travel abroad representing the country at the Miss Universe pageant at a yet-to-be-revealed location.

Additionally, she will also receive a cash prize and sponsored prizes with a combined value of RM180,000 and a full education scholarship from HELP University.

The Miss Universe Malaysia 2019 pageant is presented by Main Partners Auto Bavaria and Malaysia Airlines Berhad.


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