Top 24 finalists for Miss Nepal 2022 take part in a promotional shoot


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The beauty pageant’s final crowning event will be held on June 18.

Top 24 finalists of Miss Nepal 2022 pose for the camera during a promotional shoot. Keshav Thapa/ TKP

Published at June 11, 2022 Kathmandu

The Hidden Treasure (THT) Miss Nepal 2022 conducted a promotional shoot for its top 24 contestants at the Radisson Hotel Kathmandu, Lazimpat, on Saturday. The promotional shoot was sponsored by WOW Skin Science, one of the sponsors of this year’s Miss Nepal.

The top 24 finalists of the beauty pageant donned swimsuits and posed for the cameras. The contestants were divided into three groups of eight each and were seen in three distinct swimsuit covers—white, black, and floral designs.

“Because the whole intention of the photoshoot was to promote WOW’s sunscreen products, we decided to go with the theme of swimsuits,” said one of the organisers of the beauty pageant.

The judging round for subtitle awards for seven different categories like ‘The Kathmandu Post Miss Intellectual’, ‘Brij Cement Miss Confident’, ‘Tata Tiago Miss Delight’, ‘Dabur Amla Miss Beautiful Hair’, ‘Farmasi Miss Face of 2022’, ‘Creative D Studio Miss Photogenic’, and ‘THT Beauty with a Purpose’ is set to be done on June 11. However, the winners of the seven categories will only be announced at the final crowning event, which is scheduled to be organised at the Sunrise Auditorium, Godawari on June 18, 2022.


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