Top Picks: Miss Grand International 2020 national costume competition


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From left: Miss Grand Spain, Miss Grand Philippines Samantha Bernardo and Miss Grand Japan
MGI via Facebook, Ahleks Fusilero, Don Cristobal via Instagram

Earl D.C. Bracamonte ( - March 25, 2021 - 4:52pm

MANILA, Philippines — It used to be that pageant delegates wore, strictly, their country's national costume. But in this day and age, the option expanded to include folkloric and/or mythical creatures, festivals, temples and sacred edifices, as well as modes of transportation.

The newer options allowed the use of gargantuan headdresses and homongous hand props for shock value. While it is true that this stunning creations easily catch the eye, they however lose the true nature of the a nation's costume - which by the way is very much a part of its history, culture, heritage and patrimony!

With that being said, here are top 10 favorites from the recently concluded national costume competition of Miss Grand International 2020:


Patrick Isorena's "Gintong Aguila" creation paid homage to our national bird. And its gilded tuft harks back not only to the pageant's golden crown, but to the Philippines' resource of gold.


This ornate fighting fish creation made quite a stir with Thai fans. Like the kissing gurami of Korea, this specie is a well-loved aquatic denizen in the Land of Smiles.


In another pageant, it was the tuktuk. Now, it's the boat used to peddle produce and fresh catch along Bangkok's riverways that's being featured.


What many consider an eye sore has now become an integral part of London's landscape. And the British candidate made the Millennium Eye a part of her costume.


The country's growing manga culture is captured in this beautifully concocted design inspired by animé characters.


Bright and eye-pleasing in its aesthetics, this temple-inspired structure appeared weightless despite its size.


This opulent recreation of a deity speaks of its country's deep-rooted faith.


This resplendent flamenco ensemble, complete with the fan, reminded me of the late Miss Universe 1974 Amparo Mu?oz who was crowned in Manila. This is one of the traditional dresses that shone in the competition.


This fabulous finery speaks for itself. And it's not easy to wear, mind you. Fans of Korean telenovelas would tell you that the hanbok is palace-worthy!


This calypso-inspired ensemble takes us back to the Rio carnival and all its street-dancing madness. Ole!

"The candidate who is ready to work with the organization makes the cut. After the swimsuit and costume competitions, interview and preliminaries, there will be 15 girls who will be considered for the title. To be on the Top 5, a candidate must make lesser flaws and/or mistakes. She should remain professional at all times in all our activities. She must possess a good personality and good attitude, and knows how to control heself in situations that require restraint," said MGI president Nawat Itsaragrisil, during an exclusive interview with Thailand-based pageant site, M Pageantry.

The MGI organization spent over $1.5-million for the production of the entire pageant's staging. "I spent the money from my own pocket. I did not seek outside aid because I know that monetary resources now are needed for Covid-19 funding," Nawat said at the close of the interview that was conducted during the technical rehearsals at Show DC Hall.

Fans of the candidates may vote for their favorites to reach the Top 10 by using *789 on the Star app. Stay tuned for coming updates leading to the coronation night.


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