Tracy Maureen Perez radiates positivity: ‘I choose to be happy’


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By: Micah Sophia C. Marcellones - CDN Digital Content Specialist | February 19, 2022 - 07:59 PM

Pictures: Tracy Maureen Perez/ Instagram

CEBU, Philippines — Miss World PH 2021 Tracy Maureen Perez radiates positivity as she shares her realization about happiness.

The Cebuana queen said that happiness “will always be a choice.”

“Today, I choose to be happy no matter the opinion of others, I choose to keep moving forward no matter the setbacks, and I choose to keep believing in God’s perfect timing for everything no matter the doubts,” she shared on Instagram.

She also asked her followers to join her in her Miss World journey.

“Don’t forget to show some love and visit my official Miss World website (while I work on the backend), link to be posted in my bio! See you there,” she added.

Perez won the Miss World Philippines 2021 title which gave her a chance to represent the country on the international stage.

Miss World was supposed to happen last December 16, 2021, in Puerto Rico but was postponed due to health and safety protocols.

The pageant was then moved to March 16, 2022, still in Puerto Rico.

Perez secured a spot in the pageant’s Top 30 after winning the Head to Head Challenge.


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