Trending GH: Miss Ghana incidents not new – Ghanaians


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General News of Tuesday, 19 December 2017 

Some Ghanaians believe the development is an 'age-old thing'

The damning revelations coming out from the Ghanaian beauty pageantry industry have left many in doubt about the credibility of organizers of such pageants.

Exclusive Events Ghana, organisers of Miss Ghana Beauty Pageant were over the weekend accused by three past Queens of turning the pageantry into an “escort agency”.

The three former beauty Queens have accused Inna Patty, owner of franchise holding company, Exclusive Events of dishing them (contestants) out to men for monetary gains.

Antoinette Delali Kemevor, winner of Miss Ghana 2015, Stephanie Karikari of Miss Ghana 2010 and Giuseppina Baafi of Miss Ghana 2013 fame revealed that they were made to sign contracts without legal representatives.

These revelations from the Beauty Queens have made headlines on several media platforms and have become the hot issue for public discussion.

Varied opinions have, however been expressed on the issue.

A section of the public who spoke to Ghanaweb TV, said they are not surprised about the development because it is an “age-old thing”.


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