Tripura CM alleges Miss World pageants are fixed, says beauty parlour in every corner these days


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TNT News | April 26, 2018

Tripura CM Biplab Kumar Deb who has gained a reputation for making controversial speeches has yet again spoken out and this time his target was Miss India World 1997 Diana Hayden. Last time, his target was Indian history but today, he has ventured in to impart his ‘Gyan’ on international beauty pageants and the business behind them.

While taking a dig at the Miss World 1997 Diana Hayden by saying that she was unworthy of the crown, the CM also said, “Earlier Indian women used local leafs to wash their hair instead of shampoos to get rid of dandruff”, while adding that the international businessmen took undue advantage of the fact that Indians were winning the international beauty pageants in a row and hence used this as an opportunity to market their products in the country.

Biplab Deb, who often practices speaking in broken Hindi, said all international fashion and design contest organizers in Paris are “international marketing mafia”.

“They take girls and make them walk with fabric on ramps. Those who give certificates are all international textile market mafia. They plan from before which one will be awarded this time and this is 100 percent true”, Deb said.

He claimed Indians were crowned Miss World and Miss Universe “five years in a row” to grab the Indian cosmetic market since Indian women did not use cosmetics or shampoo in old times.

“Indian women did not use cosmetics. They didn’t use shampoo. We washed our hair with methi water for hair-fall and bathed with mud. Beauty contest organizers are international marketing mafia, who tried to capture a market of 125 crore Indians with half the population from women. There is a beauty parlour in every corner”, Biplab said.

He claimed beauty contest winners are not from India anymore since the market is already captured. He however seemed to have missed reigning Miss World Manushi Chillar, who hails from Haryana and was crowned in 2017.


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