Trolls spew venom at Miss Singapore International Charlotte Chia, call her 'ugly aunty'


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By Vinod DSouza
October 8, 2019 10:28 

Charlotte Chia was crowned Miss Singapore International in July 2019 and made all Singaporeans proud with her beauty and brains. She will next represent her country in the Miss International pageant in Tokyo this coming November and she hopes to clinch the title competing with other beauties all across the world.

Several netizens, majority of them from Malaysia, started spewing venom against Charlotte Chia by posting nasty remarks against her looks and character and even went ahead by calling her ugly and compared her to a 'canteen aunty'.

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The chain of online hatred began when a netizen posted a collage of pictures of beauty queens from South-east Asia, which is Philippines, Indonesia, Mayalsia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore and Laos. While all the pageants received favorable reactions, only Charlotte Chia was brutally trolled for her looks.

Several users praised her Malaysian rival Ms Charmaine Chew and gushed that she would reach the top and crush Charlotte Chia in no time. Few other users also laughed at Ms Chia wondering why would Singapore even select her in the first place and should have considered someone else.

The good part is that several users stood up to the trolls and confronted them head on by saying the collage doesn't really depict how Charlotte Chia looks and is an orchestrated attack against her. A user showed his support to Chia by saying, "Ignore the critics. Go do us proud."

Also, Charlotte Chia seems to be unfazed by the critics and thankfully didn't take their words to heart. She took to Instagram citing she doesn't really care about the hateful comments and will always look into winning the beauty pageant. She said, "I actually didn't know they (the critics) existed until now, so truly: outta sight, outta mind."

Charlotte revealed she wants to bring honor to Singapore and will soon make the country proud. "My family used to joke about me becoming Miss Singapore when we watched pageants on TV. Never imagined it would actually happen. These coming months, I want to make you even prouder."


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