Troy Christian graduate wins Miss Ohio pageant


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June 24, 2021

The photo in this file depicts Lola Current on her crown and sash at the 2018 Champaign County Fair.

AIM media file photo

Mansfield — 2018 Troy Christian graduate Lora Current was the 2018 Champagne County Fair Queen and won the Miss Ohio 2021 title on Saturday night’s pageant.

Current will move forward to compete for the Miss America 2022 crown at the National Convention in Connecticut in December. The 2021 title was not given because the pandemic disrupted the pageant process.

Participating in the contest as Miss South Central Ohio, Current performed a tap dance routine for the song “It’s Good To Be Alive” as part of the contest. He has been tap dancing since he was 2 years old and taught dance at Troy’s Center Stage Academy, where he grew up.

In a post-pageant media interview session, Current stated that she was a senior at Ohio State University in her social work major. She graduated from Troy Christian High School in 2018. Her family lives in the De Graff / Rosewood area.

In an interview with Mansfield News-Journal After winning the pageant, Current states: It’s my community. It’s my neighbor. It’s the support group I met along the way. I am proud of you. “

To win the Pageant’s Crown, Current receives a $ 10,000 scholarship and other gifts and awards.

A total of 23 women fought for the Miss Ohio crown.Now said News-Journal She plans to involve more sponsors and attempt to enhance the Miss Ohio program “by showing them what the Miss Ohio program really is and talking to them one-on-one.” .. She also said she plans to talk to girls and young college students about participating in the program.

Current has also won the Queen of the 2019 Ohio Fair, which represents Champaign County.

Troy Christian graduate wins Miss Ohio pageant


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