TVB Starts Recruiting for Miss Hong Kong 2021


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By kiki on May 25, 2021 in Hong Kong, NEWS

Frequently hosting Miss Hong Kong, Eric Tsang (曾志偉) has extensive experience with the pageant. Now transitioning to his new managerial role, he has brought forth new ideas to help improve the pageant. To make the pageant more engaging, it will take on a reality show format and the final competition may take place at the Hong Kong Coliseum.

At a press conference earlier, Eric announced TVB is commencing global recruitment for Miss Hong Kong 2021. The recruitment is starting earlier this year, so international contestants have sufficient time to complete mandatory quarantines.

Restores the Image of Miss Hong Kong

Eric emphasized that the image of Miss Hong Kong must possesses both beauty and intelligence. The most important responsibility of the winner is to act as an ambassador for Hong Kong and to service the community, instead of many contestants seeing the pageant as a quick way to jumpstart their entertainment careers.

“We need to bring back the original meaning to the title. We can’t have everyone going off to film dramas before their reign is over. This is not the ultimate goal of Miss Hong Kong. The goal is to represent Hong Kong. Once they have finished their full year of duties, then we can discuss future opportunities in the field if they are still interested,” Eric insisted.

Pandemic Adjustments

In the past, the pageant often filmed overseas but this was cut back due to budgetary concerns in recent years. For the 2021 pageant, plans are in place for overseas filming, but it will depend on how the pandemic unfolds. When asked if contestants will be required to be vaccinated, Eric replied it is not mandatory but it would be safer due to travelling involved.

To better prepare the contestants, Eric invited members of the Wai Yin Association, who are past pageant winners or participants, to act as mentors.

Earlier rumors surfaced that a documentary drama revolving around beauty pageants is in the works, but Eric said the project is not related to Miss Hong Kong 2021. However, the drama will use the same filming sets as the pageant so that they can save on the cost of set building.


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