Twain to represent PNG at Pacific pageant


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November 13, 2017The NationalMain Stories

MISS Queen Emma Chocolates Nialawin Twain will represent the country at the Miss Pacific Islands pageant to be held in Fiji from Dec 2 to 9.
Patron Linda Babao-O’Neill said the pageant not only empowered young people but was also a platform “to showcase and preserve our culture, traditions, and our way of life”.
She said Twain would be the cultural ambassador at the regional pageant and the climate change advocate for the country.
“PNG and other Pacific Islands countries remain extremely vulnerable to the climate change that include extreme tropical storms, severe droughts and sea level rising in coastal communities and much more,” Babao-O’Neill said.
“This ongoing disaster needs to be stopped.”
Twain, born and raised in Morobe, is employed by the Korobosea Medical Clinic, and is hoping to complete a medical laboratory science programme next year.
“I believe the pageant is a leadership building arena that has changed perceptions, impacted lives and can inspire change,” she said.
Twain also received awards for best topic, best sarong wea and best traditionally-inspired dress.
Miss Kuna Taberia Kiruwi Esther Aiga received the Miss Tourism Award, Miss International Training Institute Shiella Yama received the Miss Friendship and second runner-up awards, Miss Balance Fund Renee Siaguru received best talent and first runner-up awards, Miss After Dark Fashion Rachel Ezekiel received Miss Photogenic and third runner-up awards, and Miss Institute of Business Studies University Rosemary Lawih received the patron’s award.
Chairperson Molly O’Rourke said another important aspect of the pageant was the scholarship fund which assisted young women to complete or continue their education in tertiary institutions.
Since the inception of the pageant in 2011, the committee had raised more than K600,000 and assisted 193 women to continue or complete their education in colleges and tertiary institutions.


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