Two candidates of Miss Grand International test positive for COVID-19


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By Cara Emmeline Garcia
Published On: March 5, 2021, 11:23 AM

According to the organization, the two contestants are currently admitted to Piyavate Hospital.
Even before the grand coronation night in Bangkok, Thailand, two candidates of the Miss Grand International 2020 beauty pageant have tested positive for coronavirus or COVID-19. The said candidates are from Nigeria and Kenya.

On Thursday, March 4, an official announcement was made on the Miss Grand International Facebook page that said the swab tests from the two contestants had come back positive and that they were immediately admitted to Piyavate Hospital for treatment.

It added in the caption, “The Miss Grand International has followed the standard regulation guidelines recommended by the government, together with the doctors' advice by moving both candidates to Piyavate Hospital for further treatment.

“The hotel applied their standard ASQ policy by sanitizing all related areas, including their accommodation rooms.

“The rest of the candidates tested negative and are clear from COVID-19.”

In another report, beauty pageant organizer Nawat Issarakraisin said that the organization has already informed the National Security Council, which is in charge of handling the COVID-19 situation in Thailand.

At this time, the Miss Grand International has not deprived the two contestants of the right to contest, he added.

Meanwhile, Philippine-bet Samantha Bernardo continues to make waves in Thailand and is busy preparing for the many pageant activities in store for her by the organization.

In a post made on Instagram, Samantha thanked all of her supporters and shared that she's joined Binibining Pilipinas in the three years, never has she imagined it would lead to the moment that she'd be competing on an international stage.

“I can't believe that in my three times of joining @bbpilipinasofficial, it will all lead to this moment,” she said.

“Even during the hardest times for my country and to the world due to #COVID19 pandemic. What a wonderful ride it is with meaningful lessons.

“Being here makes me grateful, mindful, and even more prayerful.”

Samantha added, “Thank you, Papa God, for everything. I lift and let go of everything to your glory. Pilipinas, thank you for choosing me as your @missgrandinternational 2020.”

The said pageant will be held at Show DC Hall in Huai Khwang district in Bangkok, Thailand, on March 27. All contestants from more than 60 countries are now in quarantine.

To continue with the protocols, the candidates will participate in the organization's promotional activities through Zoom.


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