Two Pretorians in running for Miss SA


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Two local beauties have been selected to the top 28 finalists in the 2018 Miss South Africa competition.

Danielle Garrett  23 hours ago

Taryn Bornman from Pta East. Image by Yolanda van der Stoep

The finalists for 2018 Miss SA were announced recently, and Pretoria is very proud to have not one, but two in with a chance.

Taryn Bornman (25) and Anzelle von Staden (24) made the final 28 at the regional audition at Carnival City on 15 April.

“I feel very positive, but we all just try to do our best and live up to the best version you can be of yourself,” said Bornman.

The list will be whittled down to 12 on 3 May.

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Bornman says she knew she would one day enter the Miss South Africa competition when she watched the crowning of 2002 Miss SA Cindy Nell.


“I knew that I wanted to achieve what she had, and I want to make use of Miss SA as a platform to meet the real South Africa, focus on young women and children to teach them basic life skills that will, in turn, make them employable. I created an employment upliftment initiative called Employ 2 Change, to do just that. Every change starts small,” Bornman said.

Miss SA will be crowned on 27 May at Sun International’s Time Square Sun Arena in Pretoria.

The pageant commemorates its diamond jubilee this year.

Anzelle van Staden (24) from Centurion. Image by Yolanda van der Stoep


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