Tya flies out today



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Jan 03, 2023

MISS Trinidad and Tobago, Tya Jané La Shon Ramey, leaves today for New Orleans, USA, where she will represent the country at the 71st edition of the Miss Universe pageant.

Her participation in the pageant marks the return of Trinidad and Tobago to the event after a five-year hiatus.

This country has done well at the Miss Universe pageant over the years, having secured the title twice with Janelle ‘Penny’ Commissiong, who was the first black woman to win the prestigious crown in 1977, and Wendy Fitzwilliam in 1998.

According to a statement from franchise holder Crowns and Sashes, the competition will feature 86 women from around the globe vying for the job of Miss Universe, through the process of personal statements, in-depth interviews and various categories, including evening swimsuits, evening gowns and national costumes.

It said this year the competition will feature custom swimsuit capes which will portray messages from participating countries.

The portrayal by Miss Trinidad and Tobago, Ramey, is the Tobago Brain Coral.

The cape was “meticulously and passionately” hand-painted by Trinidadian visual artist Hayden Geeawan, said Crowns and Sashes.

The Miss Universe competition will be hosted at the Ernest N Morial Convention Center in New Orleans on Saturday, January 14.

Crowns and Sashes is an award-winning Pageant Training Academy and Production House (C&S).

It is currently the franchise holder for Miss Universe, Miss Top Model of the World, Miss Supranational and Mister Supranational International Pageants.


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