UM alum to compete in Miss USA 2020


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byLydia Johnsey November 8, 2020

Asya Branch, a University of Mississippi alum and the first African American Miss Mississippi USA, is prepared for her next stop in the Miss USA pageant circuit: Miss USA 2020. 

Branch’s pageant experience dates back to when she was in the first grade. Since her debut, Branch has held the notable Miss Mississippi 2018 title in the Miss America circuit and Miss Mississippi USA 2020 in the Miss USA circuit. She will go to Memphis Nov. 9 to compete for Miss USA 2020. 

“With this year being so different due to COVID, my preparation has been very different, from doing at home workouts everyday to meeting with trainers and coaches virtually,” Branch said. “It’s definitely been different, but it’s just been an adjustment that had to be made for everyone nationwide. Most of Miss USA 2020’s year could very well be virtual, so it’s something to get used to.” 

Branch will compete in evening gown, swimsuit, judges’ interviews and onstage question rounds. Against her competitors, she will use her platform to promote her brand “I Am More,” which advocates for those who have been affected by incarceration. 

Branch’s “I Am More” campaign is the means by which she plans to advocate for those who have endured trials in life. Several students at the university have shown their support of Branch and the way she represents young African American women of Mississippi and at the university. 

“My platform works with children of incarcerated parents as well as inmates, and it seeks to improve our prison system. It continues to expand to include more people as the years go on,” Branch said. “I’ve realized that there are so many hardships that at-risk children and struggling parents face, but we are so much more than the obstacles placed before us.” 

Anastasia Jones-Burdick is a sophomore public policy leadership major from Huntingdon, West Virginia who currently holds the title of West Virginia’s 2019 Distinguished Young Woman. Jones-Burdick said she looks forward to seeing Branch on stage. 

“The process of getting ready for an event like this is hard because you have to be your best self for yourself and for the people you represent. I really commend Asya for being a positive light for the University of Mississippi and for Mississippi as a whole.” 

Branch will also be representing and inspiring fellow Miss America or Miss USA hopefuls at her alma mater. 

One of these individuals is Lochlyn Adrian, a freshman integrated marketing communications major who currently holds the Miss Northwest 2020 title. 

“It would be a dream to compete on a national stage someday,” Adrian said. 

Like Branch, Adrian dreams of promoting her Children’s Advocacy campaign and becoming a role model for the people she represents. 

Adrian wants to encourage Branch in her upcoming competition. 

“Asya, I wish you the best of luck, and I know that you will make Mississippi proud,” Adrian said. “You are so inspiring, and I can’t wait to watch you compete for Miss USA.” 

To young women looking to enter the pageantry world, Branch had a message. 

“Get involved and challenge yourself,” She said. “I think that we sometimes allow the fear of failure to keep us from expanding our horizons. My advice is to step outside of your comfort zones and go for it because the only regret you will have is not taking that chance or opportunity. Don’t be the one holding yourself back.”


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