“Unacceptable”: former Miss Mexico criticizes horrible attacks by Lupita Jones on young people



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by Explica.co
November 24, 2020, 8:37 am 

After the dimes and diretes that have arisen after the mishap between the former beauty queen Sofía Aragón and Lupita jones, for the actress and host Daniela alvarez, a former representative of the event, the actions of the director of Mexicana Universal were simply unacceptable.

“I think they are very out of place, personally I do not think that a lady of her rank, entrepreneur, businesswoman and whatever you want, should qualify girls who arrive with illusions and dreams, willing to be sheltered by an organization and that they bump into that.

“In my opinion, it has not been managed in the best way in this organization because empowering women is not knowing which foot they limp and twist the most, on the contrary, it is to grasp that weakness and see how to strengthen it, which has not been done. ”, Álvarez expressed in an interview.

And it is that after her experience, for the 27-year-old Mexican there are many areas in which both the contest and Jones should improve in order to position it at the height of international competitions, that beyond focusing on physical beauty they focus in the true value of women, something that he sees very far away.

“In my networks I gave my experience that was very extensive but why continue to emphasize the negatives or deficiencies of the organization when they are not in dialogue or openness of wanting to improve what they are being told is wrong.

“I already went to an international contest, you really realize the magnitude of the event and that they focus on other qualities of women, in that each one grasps the best of themselves and their country and shows it, and that It is something that I liked a lot and that is still needed here ”, he highlighted.

Currently the artist participates in the telenovela La Mexicana y el Güero, a production that after the scandal over the departure of Eleazar Gómez, who was arrested for physical violence, is now ready to move forward with the arrival of Ferdinando Valencia, who was selected to replace the actor and already started with recordings.

“The situation was really unfortunate and surprising for everyone, we would never have imagined something like this and as a cast we had to support the production a lot, give them less trouble so that they could concentrate on the search for the new Sebastián de la Mora.

“Now we know that it is Ferdinando, it is a great challenge because he is part of a project that is almost half way through, but I think it was a very wise decision and that he will get it out very well, yesterday (Thursday) was his first day of call, it seems to me that he was a little nervous, but we have received him with totally open arms ”, he shared.


“In these contests, a body of 90, 60, 90 as that is left over, I understand that it is a beauty contest, but I consider that they should be more focused on integral beauty.”

Daniela Álvarez, former beauty representative.

Keep reading: “No woman deserves to be treated like this”: Lupita Jones apologizes publicly after controversy with Sofía Aragón (VIDEO)



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