Unbreakable: Miss Universe talks empowerment for women, support for Miss America



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by Alex TaylorTuesday, August 28th 2018

Miss Universe, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, visited West Virginia University Friday to talk about her support for Mund and what other young women need to know about standing their ground as she launched her new campaign, "Unbreakable.”

Controversy is swirling in the pageant realm as the current Miss America, Cara Mund, has spoken out about being silenced by her organization.

Mund has made allegations against Miss America Chairwoman Gretchen Carlson, stating she has been silenced, reduced and marginalized throughout her reign.

This with just with just two weeks left before crowning her successor and breaching her contract by appearing in television interviews.

Miss Universe, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, visited West Virginia University Friday to talk about her support for Mund and what other young women need to know about standing their ground as she launched her new campaign, "Unbreakable.”

NEWS9 had the opportunity to sit down one-on-one with Nel-Peters to discuss the violent attack on her life that lead her down the path, in 6-inch heels, she walks today.

"My ‘Unbreakable’ campaign totally started by an accident,” she said. “I was on my way to an event last year on the 7th of June in South Africa as the reigning Miss South Africa at the time.”

Her car was surrounded by five men, three of them holding guns. After surrendering everything, she tried to escape

"When I tried to run away, he grabbed me and threw me over into the passenger seat, yelling ‘get in, you’re going with us,’ and at that moment, my freedom of getting away was completely taken away from me,” Nel-Peters said. “And I was stopped form getting away and out of that situation, and I knew that the only chance I had left was to fight or to freeze."

She punched the man in the throat and ran, which later inspired her to create her international campaign, “Unbreakable.”

"I think us as women really have the ability to have a really good and strong gut feeling of what is going on around us, you know, that sixth sense we have," she said.

The same sixth sense Mund exercised last week in front of America, with her complaints heard throughout the organizations

And much like Nel-Peters, she utilized her strengths and stood up for herself in a letter and interviews.

"That’s what I use my ‘Unbreakable’ campaign for: to inspire women to be there for each other, to be a reaching hand, to look out for your sisters,” Nel-Peters said.

Though they’re both in different organizations, Nel-Peters, like thousands of other fans and 19 former Miss Americas, stand with Mund.

"I truly applaud Cara for her courage to speak up for what she feels is right,” Nel- Peters said. “I would love to let her know that us and so many other girls in pageants that I know of support her and are there for her in this time.”



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