URI graduate crowned Miss Rhode Island



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By Ashley Dumas - September 20, 2018

Photos courtesy of Nicole Palozzi, taken by Brian Gagnon | Nicole Palozzi, Class of 2018, won Miss. Rhode Island USA after five years and four attempts at the crown.

A University of Rhode Island alumna was crowned the winner of the Miss Rhode Island U.S.A. pageant on Sunday, Sept. 8.

Nicole Palozzi, a 2018 graduate, was a sister of Sigma Delta Tau and a University tour guide. Palozzi credits her success at the pageant to the activities she participated in at URI.

“I would say URI shaped me into the woman I am today and helped me win the title,” Palozzi said. “Before I came to college I was extremely shy, and when I started college I noticed that I wanted to step outside my comfort zone and do something that I’ve never done before.”

Palozzi described the pageant as an all-around fun experience. Her weekend started Friday night with individual interviews in front of the panel of judges. The interviews lasted two to three minutes, giving the contestants time to stand out and make a good first impression.

Palozzi noted that her experiences from being a tour guide helped her with this portion of the pageant. After that, the preliminary competition was held on Saturday, and the finals on Sunday.

“It’s not like what you see on TV or in the movies. . . [the contestants] really have made great bonds,” Palozzi said. “It really is friendships that will last your entire life.”

As Miss Rhode Island U.S.A. 2019, Palozzi will spend this upcoming year making appearances at events throughout New England. She will also train to compete in the upcoming Miss U.S.A. competition. The training for this pageant is not easy and requires a nutritionist, a fitness coach, an interview coach and a walking coach. Palozzi also plans on continuing her work with Best Buddies and the Special Olympics, two organizations she has been involved with since high school.

“These are two organizations that are already affiliated with the Miss Universe organization,” Palozzi said. “My uncle Micky was born with Cerebral Palsy so he has inspired me to get involved with these organizations. It really does inspire me to live every day to the fullest and not take anything for granted.”

While balancing all of her new duties as Miss Rhode Island, she will also continue working full time at Kantar Millward Brown, where she got a job as a marketing research analyst shortly after graduating from URI’s College of Business.



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