Using her voice for native people


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Published 11:33 pm EDT, Wednesday, October 17, 2018

She spent much of her life in an indigenous village without electricity, using wattles to cross rivers and make it to her school in the poorest region of Panama. The hardships she endured as a child still make her cry.

From those humble beginnings, Rosa Iveth Montezuma has become the first indigenous woman to be crowned Miss Panama, gaining prominence and influence as an advocate for native people since she won the country's biggest national beauty pageant in June.

"I think that made me strong," she said of her upbringing, in a recent interview with The Associated Press. "Now, everything is falling into place for me."

The title has opened doors on an international stage for her to denounce the marginalization of indigenous communities. A month after winning, Montezuma attended the U.N. Permanent Forum of Indigenous Peoples. She also spoke during the organization's International Indigenous Peoples' Day and took her message to the Organization of American States in Washington.

Dressed in naguas — a long, straight indigenous dress of vibrant colors and geometric designs — Montezuma advocated for longstanding claims of native communities in the Americas and argued that governments "have a historic social debt with our native peoples."

She has had to overcome opposition and discrimination even since winning. In Panama, some criticized her for wearing her traditional dress to the United Nations, arguing that people would think all Panamanians are "cholas" — a pejorative term common in Latin America and Latino communities in the United States.

Montezuma also faced resistance when she entered the beauty contest. After her indigenous ethnicity was questioned on social media, she had to go with pageant organizers to a government office to get her identity documents and prove she is indeed Panamanian. Some had alleged, falsely, that her father was Italian.

— Associated Press


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