Varsha Ragoobarsing crowned Miss Universe Mauritius 2018


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May 08, 2018

Miss Universe Mauritius 2018 concluded on a grand note and Varsha Ragoobarsing emerged as the main winner. Varsha will now go on to represent Mauritius at the prestigious Miss Universe 2018 pageant.

Varsha is not new to the pageant world as she was previously crowned Miss Eco Mauritius 2015.

The gorgeous beauty queen had to compete with 20 other contestants to win bag the title.

At the same event Anouchka Ah Keng was crowned Miss Supranational Mauritius 2018.

Varsha went on to share her experience and happiness with her fans. “I am so grateful I won this crown of Miss Universe Mauritius 2018 tonight. I have now a better platform to empower people around the world to be their best and trust in their own potential. Your love and support made who I am today. I feel blessed.”


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