Vy lands Top 5 spot in Miss World’s Beauty With A Purpose contest



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Tuesday, 12/04/2018, 11:38

VOV.VN -Miss Vietnam Tieu Vy has found herself among the top 5 in the Beauty With A Purpose competition held at the Miss World 2018 beauty pageant.

vy lands top 5 spot in miss world’s beauty with a purpose contest hinh 0
Miss Vietnam 2018 Tieu Vy

The organizing board of the Miss World 2018 pageant announced the five most outstanding projects in the competition, and Vy’s project, “Providing water for remote villages” was among them.

The project, which was carried out in Niu village, Bo Trach district in Quang Binh province, came in fourth place among the top 5.

Vy decided to implement the project when noticing the poor living conditions of local people in Niu village, where many people had no access to power, lacked any internet connection, and even clean water. Before the launch of the project, villagers were forced to use water from the Ca Roong spring for basic needs such as cooking and bathing.

Vy and her team brought clean water to the village by digging wells and installing water filtration systems.

As the result, the Vietnamese representative at the beauty pageant earned herself a ticket to the final top 30. The night of the final is scheduled to be held in China on December 8.



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