WATCH: Shamcey Supsup-Lee marks 1M followers for MUPh Facebook with runway video


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Published August 15, 2021, 12:22 PM by Robert Requintina

Miss Universe Philippines National Director Shamcey Supsup-Lee celebrated the 1 million followers on Miss Universe Philippines Facebook with her own version of runway challenge.

“Happy 1 Million Followers to the MUPh facebook page!” wrote Shamcey on Instagram.

“Btw, here is my entry to the runway challenge. Forgive me for wearing flats and for the short walk. Yan lng ang nakayanan ko yesterday. Feel free to post your own version of the runway challenge. Would love to see your entries,” she said.

Shamcey won 3rd runner-up at the Miss Universe beauty held in São Paulo, Brazil in 2011.

During the competition, Filipino pageant fans raved her walk dubbed The Tsunami Walk.


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