We Zoom with Zozi from her New York apartment



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2020-05-12 07:21 Nikita Coetzee


The role of Miss Universe is one that usually involves a lot of travelling, meeting people, and attending large gatherings. But, as we continue to battle the coronavirus, all of this has been put on hold for Zozibini Tunzi.

Though, with the help of technology, many organisations have been able to continue doing their jobs remotely.

The pageant industry is one that has been adjusting to the changes as well, with some, including the Miss South Africa pageant, moving their entire competition to the virtual world.

Chatting to Channel24 from her apartment in New York, Zozi opened up about how she has been coping with social distancing, told us what show she's binging right now, and shared her advice with those who want to compete at the 2020 Miss South Africa pageant.



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