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By Simon Shabangu and Ayanda Dlamini | 2017-12-15 

PAGEANTS Swaziland Chair-person Catrien Potgieter is not aware of a Swazi representative taking part in the second edition of Miss Africa. The chairperson was responding to questions posed by the Entertain-ment Desk and she strongly refuted any knowledge of a former beauty queen being sent to the international competition.

Former Miss Cultural Heritage Phumzile Thwala said she was invited to the competition by the organisers who after she had undergone a series of interviews on Skype. “I had to do I interviews through Skype and the panel of organisers were impressed hence I got the call. It was short notice but I alerted the SNCAC office” she said. The former queen is currently in Nigeria and is expected to come back home after Christmas because she will be hitting the runway on December 27 alongside the other participants. Not only will Thwala hit the ramp but she will also be dining with Nigerian Senator Ben Ayade. However, back home Pageants Swaziland has stated that they don’t know anything about the pageant and they did not send anyone to represent the country.

Circulating “It has come to our attention that there is a letter circulating stating that Swaziland sent a participant to Miss Africa currently underway in Nigeria, we would like to inform the public at large that we at Pageants SD have not sent a representative to the said competition and have not received any invitation to attend the said competition,” said Pageants Swaziland Chair-person Catrien Potgieter. Potgieter made it known that they would like to distance themselves from the beauty’ trip to Nigeria. “We distance ourselves from this said Miss Africa competition as we only send representatives to original and authentic international pageants.” Potgieter said they only got to know about this when the former beauty queen had already left for Nigeria. “We are not aware of the pageant hence we were not part of the preparations and travelling of Thwala to Nigeria. For international contests of this magnitude, we normally send the reigning queen of whichever pageant to represent the country,” Potgieter highlighted.



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