What we know so far about Miss Universe 2018



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AUGUST 05, 2018


The Miss universe pageant is a big deal all over the world with countries rooting for their respective candidates. We even continue watching till the end even if our candidate doesn’t make it the next round. After last year’s event, I’m sure everyone has been waiting to hear about what is going to happen this year. Where will it be? When will it be? And many other questions. Well, in the past few days a few announcement have been made and we compiled them for you. So, here’s what we know so far about Miss Universe 2018. Watch this space for more updates.

Where will it be?
This year, Miss Universe will be hosted by Thailand. The last time the event was held there was in 2005. According to the Miss Universe Instagram account, the program will air live from Bangkok. Since Thailand is a short airplane ride away, you might be able to watch it. Tickets aren’t available yet but keep your eyes peeled for that. 

When will it be?
The event will be held on Dec. 16, Sunday. Current Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters was crowned on Nov. 27, 2017 so, her reign will last for a little over a year. She, of course, will be present at the event for her final walk and to hand over the crown to the next winner.

Who is hosting?
Everyone’s favorite host Steve Harvey will be back to host the beauty pageant. This will be the fourth time he will be hosting. On Instagram he said, “I’m back AGAIN!!!! Who will it be?… tune in, let’s find out together… hopefully.” He was, of course, referring to the 2015 incident where he said the wrong name on stage.

Who is excited?
After Thailand was announced as the host country, Miss Universe candidate Catriona Gray couldn’t hold in her excitement. She posted a short video of her own trip to Thailand by Holo Luarca. In the caption she wrote, “So excited that the rumors are true and that it’s finally official!!! … So excited to go back to one of my favorite travel destinations.”

Now that we have some information about the upcoming Miss Universe, are you guys excited? Let us know your feelings in the comments section. 

Art by Marian Hukom



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