Where to watch the Miss South Africa 2021 top 30 announcement



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Graye Morkel 05 July, 2021

Shudufhadzo Musida crowned Miss South Africa 2020. Photo: Supplied by Miss South Africa

The 2021 Miss South Africa top 30 will be announced on Tuesday on the Miss South Africa Organisation's YouTube channel at 18:00.

Entries for Miss South Africa 2021 have now closed, and the four judges Bokang Montjane-Tshabalala, Liesl Laurie, Melinda Bam and Tamaryn Green, have narrowed down the entrants to 30.

Says CEO of the Miss South Africa Organisation, Stephanie Weil: "Who better to pick the top 30 than former titleholders who have walked in the shoes of this year's entrants and who will be able to bring out the best in each candidate while giving pertinent advice. They know what qualities a potential Miss South Africa needs to possess to represent this country on international stages."

Giving advice to this year's top 30, Bokang, who won the Miss South African title in 2010, said: "Be yourself, be genuine, be honest and bring your A-game!"

"Always be your authentic self, and your heart and intention will shine through effortlessly," said Miss South Africa 2018, Tamaryn Green.



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