Who is Vanessa Mae Walters, Miss Eco Teen Philippines 2019?



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From Miss Teen Earth Philippines, Vanessa embarks on a new journey as Miss Eco Teen Philippines

Alexa Villano

Published 5:00 PM, September 22, 2019

BEST IN SWIMSUIT. Aside from winning Miss Eco Teen Philippines, Vanessa Walters also nabbed special awards including the Miss Bench Body award. Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines — Vanessa Mae Walters is no stranger to the pageant scene. In 2014, she was crowned Miss Teen Earth Philippines at just 14-years old.

Five years later, Vanessa is back in competition. Recently, she was awarded the first Miss Eco Teen Philippines under the Miss World organization. Vanessa is currently taking up law and philosophy at the prestigious Harvard University.

Vanessa during the evening gown portion. Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Vanessa grew up in Australia and came back to the Philippines when she turned 12. Her charity work involves animals, environment, and child care, among others.

She also values the importance of making time for herself. "I personally allow myself to indulge myself into my own presence. I love to read, listen to music, and I love dancing and singing," she said.

During the competition, Vanessa was awarded the Best in Swimsuit and also got the Miss Bench Body/Beach Beauty award.

During the final Q and A, Vanessa was asked: What very important life lesson did you learn the hard way?

Vanessa answered: "The hardest lesson in life is being true to myself. Learning to be less authentic than I ever thought I should and would ever be. The more valuable and sensitive that I have become into being in this society is the hardest lesson I've learned in today's generation."

Vanessa during the informal conversation of the pageant.Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Vanessa was awarded the first ever Miss Teen Eco Philippines crown and will compete in Egypt soon.

NEW TITLE. Vanessa is the first Miss Teen Eco Philippines under the Miss World orgnization. Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

In an interview on CNN Philippines days after the pageant, she was asked how she's handling the new title.

"It's been very surprising to me and it's always been something that I've always aspired and want to have even at a young age. I think it's very achievable that any girl can do so much at such a young age. And I think for me, it's a stepping stone, so I just hope it's the start of something new."

Congratulations to Vanessa and good luck at Miss Eco Teen. — Rappler.com



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