Who Won Miss Teen USA 2019? Find Out Here!



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MON, 29 APRIL 2019 AT 12:20 AM

The winner of the 2019 Miss Teen USA Competition has been crowned!

Miss Teen USA 2018 Hailey Colborn has passed on her crown to the new Miss Teen USA, just after taking her final walk.

Miss Teen USA is awarded a $10,000 scholarship; access to The Miss Universe Organization’s global network of resources; opportunities to attend exciting events including major fashion weeks and sporting events; charity fundraising initiatives; and more.

Miss Alabama Teen Kalin Burt, Miss Connecticut Teen Kaleigh Garris, Miss North Dakota Teen Caitlyn Vogel, Miss Nevada Teen Erica Yvette Bonilla, Miss Mississippi Teen Kaylee Brooke McCollum were the Top 5 at the end of the night and one of them just won!

Find out who was crowned Miss Teen USA 2019 inside NOW…

Miss Connecticut Teen Kaleigh Garris

Kaleigh has been a competitive dancer for the past 10 years, trained in tap, jazz, ballet, pointe and hip hop. The 18-year-old created a movement called “We Are People 1st” in honor of her sister, who has multiple disabilities.

Miss North Dakota Teen Caitlyn Vogel placed 2nd, Miss Nevada Teen Erica Yvette Bonilla was 3rd, and Miss Mississippi Teen Kaylee Brooke McCollum placed 4th and 5th, Miss Alabama Teen Kalin Burt.



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