Why everyone is pissed off by FinBank’s $35 sponsorship to Miss Burundi (Kugasaka)?



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AUGUST 3, 2020 | 106 | 0 |

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Seven young girls aged 19 to 22 were competing in the third edition of Miss Kugasaka in Ngozi province (Nothern Burundi), the sole active beauty pageant competition. The election of the new Miss was held this Saturday, August 1, 2020, in Ngozi province. Former Minister of Justice Aimée Laurentine KANYANA was the Godmother of the Miss Kugasaka event.

“The girls’ candidates are trained in leadership, good models in society, mutual aid, the pursuit of studies, prayer, and the realization of projects.” She told Akeza.net

An experienced jury was behind the event. André HAKIZIMANA, president of the jury, Rasko, founder of Now Creative, Monna Walda KANEZA, first runner-up of Miss Burundi, 2016 edition and Aline MUGISHA, journalist and moderator of the Miss Kugasaka event.

The Miss Kugasaka event reportedly ended around 3 a.m. on Sunday. Noussaiba HAKIZIMANA was elected Miss Kugasaka 2020, the first runner-up was Kersy MUHOZA, the second is Sheila GAHOZA who was also chosen as Miss Popularity. These young girls’ leaders presented projects related to education, the fight against unemployment, and early pregnancy.

While the event wasn’t a buzz itself, the prize given to candidates raised critics and many commenting how cheap the incentives were, especially when donors were banks like Finbank who supported Miss Popularity with 100 000 BIF ($35)

The grand finalist, Nousaiba HAKIZIMANA, received a check for 500,000 BIF while the first runner-up, Kersy MUHOZA, received a check for 300,000 BIF and the second runner-up, Sheilla GAHOZA, a check for 100,000 BIF and 200,000 BIF for Miss Popular.

Mr. Fabrice Nzeyimana one of the most followed Burundian artists reacted on his Facebook page:

“I am very sad to see a bank issue a 100,000 BIF check to give a child OF Burundi in a major competition like Miss. If it were a singer from abroad they would have released the same thing with zero, eye-popping zeros(….)I may be harsh but I feel like it’s a big disgrace to the competition. If only they hadn’t taken this photo and a big check, maybe they could have put it in an envelope and given it to her privately.”

In the same event Mr. Jimmy Nzisabira a well known professional photographer in Bujumbura criticized organizations that don’t support the events when they are approached, he encouraged the organizers of the event.

“I personally think we should thank FinBank because it managed to give at least the 100k BIF. We may be surprised if we ask the organizer of the miss Kugasaka event how many organizations he approached and refused to support him, (…..) Let this be a lesson but for those who received sponsorship request letters. (…) Congratulations to all the organizers of the competition and don’t be discouraged by the greatness and success of the unsatisfied persons”


Image credits: Akeza.net



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