Why isn't Miss SA representing Mzansi at the Miss Supranational pageant?



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17 August 2021 - 09:29 BY TONI JAYE SINGER

Miss SA Shudufhadzo Musida (left) and Miss Universe SA Natasha Joubert (right) bid Miss Supranational SA Thato Mosehle farewell at Joburg's OR Tambo International Airport before the beauty queen jetted off to Poland to compete at the 2021 Miss Supranational pageant.
Image: Supplied/Miss SA

The Miss Supranational competition is currently under way in Poland, and while a beauty is competing under the Miss SA banner, it's not the reigning queen Shudufhadzo Musida.

Why not? The Miss SA Organisation will be sending representatives to a trio of global pageants this year and Musida is earmarked for Miss World, which will be taking place in December.

Natasha Joubert, the second runner-up of the 2020 Miss SA pageant, gave it her utmost when she competed in Miss Universe in May.

Now it's the first runner-up Thato Mosehle's turn to fly the national flag on the international stage.

Mosehle is vying with delegates from 56 countries for the Miss Supranational crown. Should she win, she'll make history as the first South African to wear it.

Stephanie Weil, CEO of the Miss SA Organisation, is confident that Mosehle will do Mzansi proud.

“Thato is erudite, smart and beautiful. She is dynamic, charismatic and caring. The Miss SA Organisation has been working with her on her Miss Supranational preparations for the past six months. It has been a holistic approach — runway training, wardrobe preparation and public speaking, as well as preparing her mentally.”

The Miss Supranational finale will take place on August 21 in Nowy Sącz. Keep an eye on the Miss SA Organisation’s website for details on where and when to watch it in SA.

• Additional reporting by Declan Gibbon.



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