Will Israeli setting of Miss Universe pageant place beauty, politics on collision course?



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South Africa pulls support for Miss Universe contender Lalela Mswane as she faces growing pressure to boycott the pageant, slated to be held in Israel on Dec. 12. Organizers decry the move, saying the iconic pageant "is not a politically inspired event."

By News Agencies and ILH Staff Published on 11-15-2021 12:18 

Will Israeli setting of Miss Universe pageant place beauty, politics on collision course?

Miss South Africa Lalela Mswane | Screenshot: Twitter

The South African government said on Sunday it was dissociating itself from a decision by the reigning Miss South Africa to take part in the annual Miss Universe in Israel. The decision came after growing calls for the reigning Miss South Africa to boycott the pageant .over what officials called Israel's "atrocities against Palestinians."

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The pageant is slated to take place in the southern resort city of Eilat on Dec. 12. This will be the first time the Jewish state hosts the iconic competition.

Local beauty pageant organizers have been adamant that the recently crowned Miss South Africa Lalela Mswane should go.

"It has proven difficult to persuade the Miss South Africa pageant organizers to reconsider their decision to partake in the Miss Universe event," the SA Arts and Culture Ministry said in a statement carried by French news agency AFP.

The government, therefore "withdraws its support" following the organizers' "intransigence."

"The atrocities committed by Israel against Palestinians are well documented and the government, as the legitimate representative of the people of South Africa, cannot in good conscience associate itself with such," it said.

Miss South Africa pageant organizers last week argued the Miss Universe pageant is not a "politically inspired event."

In a statement, the ruling ANC party urged the organizers "to hear and listen to the overwhelming call for the Miss South Africa team to boycott the upcoming apartheid Israel hosted Miss Universe."

This year's contest will feature Miss United Arab Emirates and Miss Morocco, two countries with which Israel recently normalized ties.

It will be the first time that a Miss United Arab Emirates has participated in the competition and Miss Morocco will return to the competition for the first time in more than four decades.



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