Will Philippines host the Miss Universe Pageant 2018?: HumSub.TV



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By Miysha Usman -May 30, 201836

Will Philippines host the Miss Universe Pageant 2018?

Will Philippines host the Miss Universe Pageant 2018?: The year 2018 marks the 67th Miss Universe pageant and just like every year, it will be full of glitz, glamour and beauty. Philippines hosted the 2016 Miss Universe pageant and this year, it was rumored to be one of the fore-runners for hosting it again. However, reliable reports have ensured, for now, that Philippines is not hosting 2018 installment of the Miss Universe pageant.

Though it has been disappointing news for many, rest assured that this year’s pageant will not disappoint.

A Little Background to Get You Updated!

Philippines was rumored to host this year’s pageant but then it pulled off due to budget restraints. This is how it all went down.

China was also considered and marked for hosting the Miss Universe pageant but negotiations collapsed when China refused on the condition that it would not broadcast the beauty pageant.
Philippines was then considered and the Philippine tourism secretary had a meeting with the President of Philippines regarding the matter. Till the month of May, negotiations were underway and till May, reports were encouraging. However, lack of sponsors and budget constraints did not make it possible for Philippines to host the beauty pageant for the second time.
For now, the location for Miss Universe pageant is still undecided.
This Year’s Pageant is Going to Be Unique

Despite the fact that Philippines is not hosting 2018 installment of the Miss Universe pageant, this year the pageant is going to be very different and unique. This year’s pageant is being dubbed as ‘Grit and Glam’ as the Miss Universe queens will be joining the winners of the World’s Strongest Man. This is the first time that something like this has ever happened and the stakes are high as people have a lot of expectations.

So Who Will Be Hosting the Pageant?

The question remains unanswered as yet and despite the reports that Philippines has pulled out of hosting the pageant, it is still being considered. The island of Boracay is yet to open for the tourists after a rehabilitation and once it opens up, things will be clear regarding the matter.



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