Williamsport native crowned Miss Pennsylvania



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Sydney Robertson will represent Pennsylvania when she competes at Miss USA in the fall.

Author: Chris Keating Published: 5:46 PM EDT August 18, 2021

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — A few weeks ago, Sydney Robertson, a 23-year-old Williamsport native, was crowned Miss Pennsylvania for 2021.

"Honestly, I just kept closing my eyes and thinking, 'Wow, I am so grateful to be here.' I worked really hard like the rest of the ladies, but I was very proud of myself because I spoke from my heart. I acted from my heart, and that is ultimately what I wanted to do," said Robertson.

Robertson has been competing in pageants from a young age. In November, she will represent the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the Miss USA competition in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

"I am really excited to show people this is what Pennsylvania is about. We are an awesome group of beautiful and diverse people, and the fact that I get to be that face at nationals is awesome," said Sydney Robertson.

"It is going to be surreal because this is not just a national stage; this is an international opportunity. People around the world watch Miss USA because the next level is Miss Universe," said Allan Robertson, Sydney's father.

Miss Pennsylvania's biggest support system and number one fans are her parents. They will be traveling with her to Tulsa.

"I get to see behind the scenes and all the hard work that goes in, and all the hard work is not necessarily beautiful, but the end product is beautiful, both in her success and presentations," said Diane Robertson, Sydney's mother.

Sydney showed us her new crown and sash. But when she is not wearing them and competing, she volunteers around her hometown of Williamsport. She says throughout the whole Miss Pennsylvania process, she has felt the constant support from her hometown.

"Very grateful and humbled that people are so supportive, and they are just honestly as excited as I am because it is not just a win for me, but it is a win for everybody," said Sydney.

If Sydney wins the Miss USA competition in November, she will fly to Israel a week later to compete for Miss Universe.



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