With new auditions, Miss World Guyana Organisation widening reach



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Aleem Khan of Next Generation Global Group, who is handling marketing and promotion, is at centre with Managing Director of the Miss World Guyana Organisation Roshini Boodhoo. They are surrounded by other members of the Miss World Guyana Organisation team and some of the regional ambassadors from last year’s pageant.

It is time again for the Miss World Guyana Organisation to prepare to send a suitable representative to the Miss World Pageant and it is going the extra mile to allow every eligible young woman to compete for the chance to be that person.

The organisation has made huge changes to allow potential candidates to audition for a spot by lowering registration fees and extending its search across Guyana, thereby bringing auditions closer to persons contemplating applying. The Miss World Guyana Organisation will even be taking on the task of finding corporate sponsorship for contestants, so that they have one less burden and are a step closer to fulfilling their dreams.

The team will venture to Berbice today for the first auditions, which will be held at the Alex Foster Hall in Rose Hall. Tomorrow, the team will continue these auditions at Watooka House in Linden and next Saturday, auditions conclude in Georgetown at Pegasus Hotel. 




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