Woman bounces back from life's setbacks to compete for Miss England title



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The competition is taking place next month

ByDaniel Morrow Trainee Reporter
14:47, 1 APR 2019UPDATED14:49, 1 APR 2019

This year will be the second time the 20-year-old has entered the competition (Image: Natalie Carson)

A Lincoln woman who was on the verge of taking her own life is now seeking to become a role-model as she bids to become this year’s Miss England.

Natalie Carson, who lives in Lincoln, has put herself forward to become the Lincolnshire representative for the pageant.

It will be the 20-year-old’s second attempt to become Miss England after competing for the first time last year.

This year will mark six years since the De Montfort University student was put into care at the age of 14.

Natalie initially failed her GCSEs when she attended school as she spent years of torment at the hands of fellow students.

The 20-year-old said she lost a lot of her confidence and happiness after bullies threatened to ‘burn her hair’ and even once threw chairs at her before a lesson.

“I gave up and wanted to take my own life at this point”, said Natalie.

Natalie was put into care at the age of 14 (Image: Natalie Carson)

At 17, she vowed to turn her life around and enrolled into Lincoln College where she passed her GCSEs with flying colours.

She has since went on to study dance at De Montfort University in Leicester and is now moving on to nursing at the university.

Natalie now has her eyes on the Miss England crown for 2019 after she was selected to be the finalist for Miss Lincolnshire, Newark and Grantham.

She now hopes that success in the competition will give her the platform to tell the world her story.

She said: “I have spent much of my life struggling with mental health problems and now I feel like this has given me a purpose.

“I was dubious about the competition first, but I have realised that it is not just your standard run of the mill pageant – it gives you the chance to inspire young people.

“I wish I had someone to be a role model in my life and there many other young girls who have been through what I have been through.

“The crown is not the most important part for me, having the platform to tell others is the reason that drives me behind entering.

“I am excited to meet the other competitors and I am confident that I can do well in this contest.”

Natalie hopes to become a role model for young women (Image: Natalie Carson)

The final is set to take place at Kelham Hall and Country Park in Newark on Saturday, April 6.

Details of the contest can be found here.



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