Wyoming woman to compete for Miss USA title



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Wyoming woman to compete for Miss USA title (Courtesy Miss Universe Organization)

By Bobbee Russell
Published: Nov. 8, 2020 at 5:50 PM BRT

CASPER, Wyo. (Wyoming News Now) - A Wyoming woman has spent many days in Tennessee preparing to compete for the Miss USA title. Wyomingites can watch Lexi Revelli compete in two competitions on stage on FYI.

Revelli is from Lyman Wyoming and has competed in pageants for about nine years. She says she’s excited to be able to be in Tennessee representing Wyoming.

“I’m so grateful to be here amongst the most amazing women in the country,” Revelli said. She will compete in evening gown and swimsuit competitions on stage. The competition also has an interview portion she completed virtually.

Revelli said her platform is holistic health, where she said the body works as a whole.

“Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually,” Revelli said.

She said she wants to spread the word about more natural remedies because she lost two loved ones to opioid addictions. She wants to help spread the word about natural remedies like foot zoning.

“I basically massage people’s feet. There are so many nerve endings there and they correspond to different areas in the body. When we massage them we can help stimulate healing,” Revelli said.

She added there are deeper roots to addiction than what’s on the surface and hopes to see more of a balance between western medicine and holistic health.

Wyomingites can watch at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 9.



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