‘You Have to Be Girl-Power Tough’: Pageant Competitors Weigh in on Miss America



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Tiny Miss Snellville 1974, Miss Rodeo Lakeside 1997 and Ms. Senior Florida 2017 shared stories from pageant life.CreditPhotos courtesy of Marcy Segre, April Bolduc and Lorraine Robertson.

By Josephine Sedgwick

June 8, 2018

The Miss America Organization announced bold changes to its competition this week, including the end of the swimsuit contest. “We are not going to judge you on your outward appearance,” said Gretchen Carlson, a former Fox News anchor who was Miss America in 1989 and is now the organization’s chairwoman.

There are hundreds of pageants held every year across the country, from Miss USA and Miss America all the way down to those at local county fairs. Thousands of children, women and even some men compete for scholarships, cash prizes and the platform that comes with being crowned.

We wanted to know what it feels like to participate in these pageants, and why many compete again and again. We heard from more than 170 competitors, from Tiny Miss Snellville 1974 to International Mr. Leather 2015. Here is a selection of their stories, edited and condensed for clarity.

Mrs. Ozark America 2012

Ruth Anne Phillips has also competed for Mrs. California and Mrs. Virginia, and is trying again for Mrs. Arkansas this year.

Ruth Anne Phillips, second from left, was first runner-up at Mrs. California 1995.CreditCraig Hamilton, courtesy of Ruth Anne Phillips
My first beauty pageant was for a car dealership in California when I was 16. I signed up and didn’t tell anyone. After that, I was hooked and followed that up with the Miss Pacific Palisades competition in 1985.

I love the fashion and the complete transformation that happens when I go onstage. In general, I have always been somewhat of a tomboy, but doing a pageant allows me to completely transform. Being onstage is like a drug, and pageants are a way to get the applause without as much work as a play or musical would require. It’s like being a queen for a day.

I know that there are women who spend thousands of dollars in order to win, but for me, it’s pretty cool to be an awkward, outspoken, feminist geek walking the stage in heels and big hair.

I will probably do pageants until the day I die.

What is a common misconception about beauty pageants?

That the women aren’t feminist.

Tiny Miss Snellville 1974

Marcy Segre also competed for Little Miss Snellville 1977 and Miss Brookwood High School 1987.

Marcy Segre in her Tiny Miss sash.
CreditCourtesy of Marcy Segre

I was 4 years old. I didn’t choose to go into pageants; I was put into them.

I did love the crown, the recognition from my family that winning made me special, and feeling special because I had a pretty dress and was told I was pretty.

What do you think about the changes to Miss America?

I’m so glad that the swimsuit competition is gone from Miss America, though it is too little too late for pageants in general. The idea that women are “judged” against other women is so archaic it’s laughable.

Miss South Carolina USA 2016

Leah Lawson also competed for Miss USA.

Leah Lawson, just after she was crowned Miss South Carolina USA 2016.
CreditLeah Lawson
As far back as I can remember, I idolized the women of pageantry and dreamed of becoming Miss South Carolina.

That dream finally came true in 2016 when I was crowned Miss South Carolina USA! I even made the top 15 at Miss USA and got to compete for the title on national television.

However, although it may have all seemed perfect on the outside, pageantry has had both a negative and positive influence on my life. Yes, I was able to have once-in-a-lifetime experiences, meet amazing people, and gain public speaking and communication skills from being Miss SC USA.

But what most people don’t see is the blood, sweat and tears to get to that point. I slaved away in the gym for hours while only eating 600 calories a day to reach the body type expected of me to compete in swimsuit.

It also affected me mentally to where I would do things like brush my teeth or chug a ton of water to keep myself from eating.

I think taking out swimsuits will prevent other women from going through what I did.

What do you think about the changes to Miss America?

Even though I am a woman who struggles with body image, I think that this change erases the history of the pageant. Miss America started as a swimsuit competition in the 1920s. And it was the only phase of competition. Yes, swimsuits have changed over the years and are a little more revealing, but I think that women should be able to choose what they wear for a “physical fitness” competition.

Miss Hollywood USA 2013

Ashli Wright competed in Miss Florida USA, Miss North Miami USA and Miss Hollywood USA from 2009 to 2014.

Ashli Wright represented Hollywood, Fla., at the Miss Florida USA 2014 pageant.
CreditJorge Esteban, courtesy of Ashli Wright
I initially entered pageants for the scholarship opportunities and quickly became a fan. Pageantry opened doors for modeling and networking opportunities. I had trainers and coaches, and I met many amazing women throughout my decade of competing. I was in the best shape of my life! I felt strong and powerful and didn’t mind showing off my hard work and confidence in a bikini onstage. There are competitions for men to do the same.

Now that I am a little older, I want to show off my degrees and leadership skills. It was a meaningful chapter in my life, but I have moved on. I teach high school biology so I try to instill healthy habits in my students, a lot of which I learned from training for the swimsuit competition. I won’t miss the butt glue, though. [Butt glue is an adhesive that helps hold clothing and bikini bottoms in place.]

What do you think about the changes to Miss America?

I was told many times that the swimsuit competition is intended to measure your “dedication” to the title (in other words, how bad you want it). It is the end of an era and will be missed, but I understand why it had to go. Times are changing and so must the ways we evaluate “beauty.”

What is a common misconception about beauty pageants?

A common misconception is that we are all airheads and superficial. I met doctors, police officers, teachers, nurses and lawyers while I was competing.

Miss Camden County 2018

Sophia Vicari has also competed for Miss Magnolia and next week: Miss New Jersey.

Miss Camden County 2018 at a fellow titleholder’s fundraiser for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. CreditCourtesy of Sophia Vicari

My personal platform means the world to me, and this scholarship pageant was an incredible way to promote it. The networking and opportunities to serve my community have been priceless, and it has been such a positive in my life and so many others. I love being a participant in a scholarship pageant — I will never be a beauty queen, because our crowns stand for so much more in the Miss America Organization: scholarship, service, success and style.

(My personal platform is The Princess Promise for women with inflammatory bowel disease.)

I absolutely love the interview part of competition. I get to show the world that, yes, I graduated summa cum laude and serve my community throughout the year — and I happen to look great in a gown.

What do you think about the changes to Miss America?

Personally, I feel that simply changing swimsuit to activewear would have enabled the competition to still highlight the importance of health and fitness in being a well-rounded role model. There’s nothing wrong with a woman being smart AND beautiful. However, I’m excited for the increased interview opportunities.

What is a common misconception about beauty pageants?

The Miss America pageant is NOT a beauty pageant; it’s a scholarship pageant. That is a huge distinction, and it’s important to make that distinction when referencing the competition and its contestants.

International Mr. Leather 2015

Patrick Smith also won Mr. Los Angeles Leather 2015 and Eagle LA Mr. Leather 2015.

Patrick Smith winning International Mr. Leather in 2015.CreditInternational Mr. Leather

Mr. Leather is a pageant for the (largely gay) men’s leather subculture, which has historically favored hyper-masculinity as the definition of sexy. The pageant includes 50-70 leather titleholders (who have won prequalifying rounds) from all over the world and features a physique round, which is analogous to the swimsuit round at Miss Universe. In this, the contestant wears only a jockstrap and is evaluated on their appearance.

It takes a great deal of hard work and discipline to prepare for these contests, and the experience of going through the pressure cooker and coming out proud of the person you’ve showcased is an exhilarating feeling.

What do you think about the changes to Miss America?

I wonder if it will be a token or symbolic change only. It will be much more difficult to change the culture surrounding pageants in general and to get the prequalifying contests to follow suit.

Miss Rodeo Lakeside 1997

April Bolduc also competed for Miss Rodeo USA 1998.

April Bolduc as Miss Rodeo Lakeside 1997.CreditMaureen Downey, courtesy of April Bolduc

My parents walked into my room one day and asked if I’d consider entering a pageant. I said, “I don’t do pageants.” They said I could ride my horse. Then the world stopped. A year later I was crowned Miss Rodeo Lakeside.

Many don’t realize the life skills you learn doing pageants. Some think it’s preparation for the stage, but when it’s all said and done you realize it was preparation for life, for being judged on your next big job interview — and you NAILED it.

What is a common misconception about beauty pageants?

To willingly put yourself in front of a panel of judges and hundreds of audience members to be judged by all, you have to be girl-power tough. It’s the thing leaders are made of.

Ms. Senior Florida 2017

Lorraine Robertson also competed for Ms. Senior America in 2017.

Ms. Senior Florida 2017 is an artist and retired physician.
CreditCourtesy of Lorraine Robertson
I was honored to be chosen to represent the senior ladies of the state of Florida. The Florida pageant then sent me to compete in the Ms. Senior America Pageant in Atlantic City in October. Although I was not the winner, just being there and meeting so many extraordinary women made me feel like a winner.

What do you think about the changes to Miss America?

I think it is good. It says that there is so much more to a successful woman than just a great bikini body.



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