Zheng Yi-ting crowned 'Miss Taiwan 2019'



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Winner graduated from National Taichung University of Education

2019/07/29 12:19

Zheng Yi-Ting is the winner of Miss Taiwan. (Miss Taiwan photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The 10th edition of Miss Taiwan has announced its winner: 24-year-old Zheng Yi-ting (鄭婷怡).

The final competition of Miss Taiwan took place at the Garden Villa hotel in Kaohsiung on July 28. Zheng Yi-ting, the 24-year-old prevailed from among 14 candidates. Zheng graduated from the National Taichung University of Education and is currently working in the biotech field, according to the organization.

Zheng stated that her participation in the beauty contest had been an educational experience. With her new title, she said she would join charity functions in the future, UDN reported.

Apart from the Miss Taiwan pageant, Kaohsiung will also host the 14th Miss Globalcity, which is to be held at the Grand Hi-Lai Hotel on Aug. 3. For more information, please visit the official website.



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