Zim model shines in Mexico



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Miss Global Zimbabwe Tania Aaron (second from left) poses for a picture with Miss Global Peru Hany Portocarrero (far left), Miss Global 2018 winner Sophia Ng and Miss Global Northern Marina Islands. Kristin Chucci 

17 JAN, 2020 - 00:01

Miss Global World, Zimbabwean representative Tania Aaron did the country proud after she won the evening gown category at the preliminaries held on Wednesday night ahead of the finals for the international pageant slated for tomorrow in Oaxaca, Mexico. The 24-year-old beauty queen, beat 59 other contestants with the first runner slot going to Miss Peru, Hany Portocarrero while Miss Northern Mariana Islands Kristin Chucci was second runner up.

Aaron is also doing well on the Wild Card voting process. In an interview yesterday, Aaron said was shocked at the same time happy with the latest development.

“It came as a shock to me considering that the competition was tough. I am happy that I represented my country well and want to thank my designer Abiot Malawa of Nandi fame label, who made that white dress. I am keeping my fingers crossed ahead of the announcement of the winner of the Miss Global 2020 tomorrow. It has been a great opportunity for me and I have already made new friends, learning a lot from other contestants their cultures and traditions. I am ready for the crown,” she said.

Aaron said she also got a unique garment from local designer Jasper Mandizera of the Shona brand.

“The dress has sent tongues wagging and I am optimistic too that it will win the national costume- culture dress competition. We managed to tour some of the tourist attractions in Mexico and I am proud that I managed to do well on my ‘help the under privileged project- charity day events’,” she said.

She highlighted that she spoke about the girl child should be respected and empowered in Africa. “We are the leaders and this is the time for the girl child to shine. A lot of events, projects or discussion which have something to do on empowering the life of a person are being dealt with or discussed but they tend to neglect the girl child. A girl is human too hence give her the platform to showcase the stuff or talent she is made of then you will have conquered the world,” she said. Meanwhile, the pageant is running under the theme, “Empowering Women, Embracing Cultures, Embodying the Beauty Within” and Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng of Hong Kong will crown her successor.



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